Page 24 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 24


               The overall  General Fund  budget  for FY  2022-2023  is $87,524,968  or an  increase of  13.47% over
               estimated revenues in FY 2021-2022. Property tax collections make up approximately 56% of the General
               Fund operating revenue. Property tax revenue increased $5,543,936, of which $3,595,337 is from new
               residential and commercial construction. Other revenue increases include sales tax, franchise tax, permits
               and ambulance fees. Projected sales tax revenues are expected to increase $3,061,110, or 20%.

               The 2022-2023 Service Plan includes the addition of 13.5 full-time equivalent positions. Other staffing
               changes occurred  because of  reallocation and  distribution of salaries.  Overall,  salaries  and benefits
               increased 11% or $4,571,840 due to the addition of personnel, a 2.5% cost of living allowance (COLA),
               an hourly rate increase for part-time employees, and a provision for a one-time supplemental payment
               based on performance. Implementation of the Public Safety step plan accounts for approximately $1.9
               million of the increase, while new positions totaled a little less than $1.2 million.

               Operations and Maintenance
               Operating and Maintenance costs increased 17.5% due primarily to supply chain issues which have driven
               up the cost  of materials, fuel price increases, and the replacement of financial and human resources
               software.  This increase also represents a rise in cost for the Sanitation contract, which is offset by
               revenue. The  Street Department budget was  increased  10%  to address concerns voiced in the Citizen
               Survey, and other programs such as those which address communications and community engagement
               were also expanded to enhance service to the citizens.

               Transfers are estimated to be $1,094,365 for the City’s liability, auto and property insurance, $321,132 for
               the Fieldhouse USA project, and $2,662,245 to the Equipment Replacement Fund.

               The General Fund transfer of $2,662,245 will address new and replacement vehicles for the Police, Fire,
               Building Safety, Public Grounds, and Street departments. These funds will also be used to purchase tools
               for Police SWAT, dispatch software and a traffic preemption system for the Fire Department and building
               facility improvements City-wide.

               The General Obligation Debt payment is $16,110,269 in FY 2022-2023. In addition, the City will also
               pre-pay $2.6 million of debt. Management and City Council continue to make conscious efforts to reduce
               the  overall debt ratio and to reduce the  costs of infrastructure improvements  using  impact fees and
               developer contributions. The total outstanding General Obligation Debt is $147,185,000.

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