Page 126 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 126

Methods of Sale

               Competitive Sale:  The City shall seek to issue its debt obligations in a competitive bidding environment.
               Bids shall be awarded on a True Interest Cost, providing the bidders meet other bidding requirements.  In
               some instances, the  City may award the sale to the lowest Net Interest Cost bidder depending on the
               economic substance of the transaction.  If the competitive bidding process is not conducive to soliciting
               the lowest cost of financing a bond issuance, the City may choose to negotiate the sale.

               Negotiated Sale:  The City shall seek to weigh the selection of underwriter before negotiating a bond sale.
               The selection of the underwriter shall encourage the best economic environment in which the City will
               benefit  from selling  its  bonds.   Typically, negotiated sales will occur when the market volatility  is
               unpredictable.  In some cases this  may mean investors are not willing  to  commit capital in uncertain
               economic environments, or the size of the issue may not attract the bids for a successful sale.  Moreover,
               the primary purpose of the negotiated sale is to solicit the interest rate environment for the City to sell

               Private Placement:  The City will seek to privately place its bonds with a select group of investors when
               the issuance warrants the sophistication of the buyer.  The City will ensure that the placement fee is less
               than a  typical underwriter’s fee  in  a negotiated offering  of a comparable type sale in  a  similar  sale

               Refunding of Debt

               The  City  of  Mansfield, Texas shall monitor the municipal bond market for opportunities to refund
               outstanding debt to save the City from future interest costs.  As a general rule, the savings shall be at least
               3% greater than the cost of carrying the existing debt inclusive of issuance costs and any cash
               contributions.  However, if the value of the savings exceeds the cost of the refunding and is greater than
               $100,000 but is less than 3% of the savings,  then the  City  shall consider refunding the existing debt.
               Arbitrage rules are to be considered when refunding debt.

               Credit Objectives

               The City of Mansfield, Texas shall seek to attain and maintain the highest possible bond ratings for its
               outstanding debt without compromising the delivery of basic City services.  Currently, the City maintains
               four ratings with Fitch, Moody’s, and Standard & Poor’s.

                                                Fitch, IBCA         Moody’s         Standard & Poor’s
                  General Obligation                 AA+              Aa1                    AAA
                  Sales Tax Revenue                  AA+              Aa1/2                AA-/A+
                  Drainage Revenue                   AAA              Aa2                    AA
                  Water & Sewer                      AAA              Aa2                    AA+

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