Page 59 - CityofKennedaleFY23Budget
P. 59


               The function of this department is to enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Kennedale by
               encouraging quality growth, development, and redevelopment through planning, use of
               development regulations, and enforcement of building and construction codes, along with code
               compliance, to ensure the safe and lawful use of buildings and properties, thereby safeguarding
               each resident's health and welfare and the stability of our neighborhoods.

                           HI G HL I G H T S   A N D  G O A L S  A CCO M P L I S HE D
                   Processed permits, code compliance cases, and BOA and P&Z cases
                   Magnolia Hills and Oaks Court infrastructure completed and neighborhoods nearing
                     build-out; Hammack Creek Apartments and Alta 287 working toward completion.
                   Safe Routes to School (SRTS) project continues to progress
                   Continuing to add interactive GIS map layers for use by both staff and the public
                                                 S HO RT - T E RM  G O A L S
                   Begin work on Future Land Use Plan, including joint meetings with P&Z, Council and
                     others as it relates to planning and development
                   Staff liaison for Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Commission, Board of Adjustment
                     (BOA)/Building Board of Appeals (BBA), and Economic Development Corporation
                   Proactively providing education and seeking code compliance to beautify the City

                   Continue pursuing economic development strategies and projects
                   Put policies/ordinances in place to pave the way for positive infill development
                   Initiate developments to improve quality of life and increase tax base
                   Continue to provide excellent customer service for all users of Planning and
                                                  L ON G - T E RM  G O A L S
                   Improve Kennedale Parkway aesthetically and with infill development
                   Refine the review and approval processes to attract high-quality development and
                   Foster quality of life through positive planning and economic development
                   Strengthen TownCenter with additional development and tenants
                   Leverage external funding opportunities

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