Page 137 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
P. 137

                    he Capital / Street Maintenance Program consists of systematic facility repairs and major
                    maintenance projects funded primarily through an operating transfer from the General fund.
               Additionally, the use of eligible bond proceeds provides additional funds to sustain street and
               traffic projects.  Project lists are developed each  year  from a long-range facility maintenance
               schedule which incorporates routine scheduled maintenance and recommended replacement and
               upgrading of facilities and permanent  capital assets.  The schedule lists all planned capital
               maintenance projects within the next five years.

               Capital maintenance projects are grouped in
               two categories: facilities maintenance and
               parks maintenance, and funded by an
               operating transfer from the General  fund.
               Facilities maintenance projects are budgeted
               at $605,000 and Parks maintenance projects
               are budgeted at $1,162,000  as the City
               continues to pursue its diligent preventative
               maintenance program that has extended the
               useful life of infrastructure assets and allows
               the City flexibility in expenditure planning.

               The Street Maintenance program consists of
               overlay projects designed to maintain a five-
               year maintenance schedule and street
               reconstruction.  Expenditures are expected to
               total $2,045,000.

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