Page 500 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 500

5. The Administering Department, with assistance and support from FMS Grant
                                  Accounting, submits any Combo Code requests, which are reviewed by FMS
                                  Grant Accounting and set up by FMS Financial Systems Management.  Any
                                  Task Groups/Task Profiles are submitted through ITSM Self‐service at http://

                             C.  Grant Management

                              1.  The Administering Department shall manage awards in accordance with 2 CFR
                                 200, Uniform  Administrative Requirements,  Cost Principles, and  Audit
                                 Requirements for Federal Awards, applicable State laws and/or regulations, and
                                 corresponding contractual agreements.  FMS Grant Accounting shall provide
                                 assistance and serve as a resource for clarification of any questions regarding 2
                                 CFR 200.
                              2.  If the grant has subrecipients:
                                     a.  The Administering Department, with assistance and support from FMS
                                         Grant Accounting, shall perform a risk assessment for each subrecipient
                                         before  passing  along  awarded funds, in accordance with 2 Code of
                                         Federal Regulations (CFR) §200.331, “Requirements for pass- through
                                         entities,” and formulate a risk mitigation plan based on identified risk
                                     b.  The Administering Department, with assistance and support from FMS
                                         Grant Accounting, shall perform subrecipient monitoring in accordance
                                         with  §200.330,  “Subrecipient  and  Contractor  Determinations,”  and
                                         §200.331, “Requirements for Pass-Through Entities,” and document
                                         such monitoring.
                              3.  The Administering Department shall monitor contractors to ensure compliance
                                 with all contract provisions.
                              4.  All grant-related procurement activities must be conducted in accordance with
                                 all applicable City policies and State and federal laws and regulations (e.g.,
                                 Davis-Bacon Act).
                                     a.  If a capital asset is purchased or created with grant funds, FMS Grant
                                         Accounting and FMS Capital Assets should be notified.
                                     b.  For federal grants, no local purchasing preference can be given.
                                     c.  For  federal  grants, cost  plus a percentage of cost and percentage of
                                         construction cost methods are prohibited.
                                     d.  The City is responsible for full compliance with the procurement
                                         regulations contained in 2 CFR 200 (200.317-200.326).

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