Page 490 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 490

be structured in a manner to provide diversification within each asset class and be
                       allocated within the ranges specified below:
                                                                  Range         Target
                       Equities                                   20%-40%       30%
                       Fixed Income                               50%-80%       65%
                       Cash and Cash Equivalents                    0%-20%       <5%

                       The Trustee and its  Sub Advisor is authorized by  this policy to make  asset
                       allocation decisions to reallocate or redirect either contributions or investments
                       held by the OPEB Trust Fund in order to take advantage of changing market
                       conditions. Any move that will cause the allocation of the investment classes to
                       vary from the above allocation percentages of any asset class requires approval by
                       the City Council.

                              The following are prohibited purchases/transactions:
                              1.     More than 5% of the total equity allocation invested in individual
                                     equity securities of any one company at market value
                              2.     More than 5% of the total debt allocation invested in debt
                                     instruments in any single issuer with the exception of US Treasuries
                                     and agencies
                              3.     Short sales
                              4.     Margin or leveraged purchases
                              5.     Commodities
                              6.     Real estate (with the exception of REITs)
                              7.     Art objects or collectables
                              8.     Options
                              9.     Warrants
                              10.    Derivative investments
                              11.    Oil and Gas Leases
                              12.    Hedge Funds
                              13.    Private Equity Funds
                              14.    Precious Metals
                              15.    Privately  negotiated investment agreements with financial
                              16.    Other investments classified as ‘alternative’

                       Purchases and sales of authorized investments will only be made through financial
                       institutions that are qualified as public depositories by the State of Texas or are
                       “primary dealers” as designated by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or are

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