Page 485 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 485

City of Fort Worth

               Department of Finance

               Investment Policy and Strategy

               OPEB Trust

               I.      OVERVIEW AND PURPOSE

               This investment policy and strategy applies to all  accumulated assets  for the  City  of
               Fort Worth Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust (“Trust”) created by the Fort Worth
               City Council by Resolution No. 3779-08-2009, and its consultants,  agents, investment
               managers, advisory boards, Trustees, Trust Administrator and assigned staff.

               All investment activities shall  be conducted in full  compliance with applicable City
               ordinances as well as state and federal rules and regulations.

               The purpose of this document is to provide the Trustee and its Sub Advisors with a set
               of objectives, parameters and guidelines to assist in the administration of the Trust; to
               guide investment managers in structuring portfolios consistent with desired performance
               result and acceptable risk levels; to assure the assets are managed in a prudent fashion
               and to serve as the framework for all investment activities related to the Trust.


               The primary obligations of the City’s governing body in investing assets are to do so for
               the exclusive benefit of the beneficiaries. Emphasis must be placed upon the consistent
               protection of the Trust’s assets and growth performance, i.e., the achievement of adequate
               investment growth must not be at the expense of the protection of the assets over the
               investment horizon. Specific objectives of investment activities carried out by the Trustee
               and its Sub Advisors include the following:

                              A.     The expected annual rate of return for the portfolio will be equal to
                                     the actuarial assumption, until amended by the  City Council

                              B.     Individual investment managers will not be measured against the
                                     aggregate fund objective stated in section II. A., but will be compared
                                     to appropriate market indices and a blended Plan Target Benchmark
                                     outlined in Section III, subsection 7 of the Policy.

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