Page 474 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 474

The Permanent Fund, some portion of which may be maintained as permanent funds as
               determined by the City, is to be managed and invested in general accordance with the
               Act and follow four major investment objectives: safety, liquidity, diversification and

               Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the City’s overall investment program, and
               safety of principal shall be an objective with respect to the investment of the Permanent
               Fund  as well. Investment transactions and strategies shall address and  consider the
               preservation of capital and minimization of capital loss as well as growth. Liquidity is
               not critical in the Permanent Fund because these funds are not to be used for ongoing
               operational expenses, expenditures, or liabilities. Diversification in portfolio structure is
               intended to further protect the Permanent Fund from over‐ concentration. Growth and
               income will be the primary objectives for the Permanent Fund after all other objectives
               have been achieved.

               IV.     STRATEGY

               The Permanent Fund is to be invested in designated sub‐accounts as per the Gas-Related
               Revenue & Expense/Expenditure Policy.  Operating  within appropriately  established
               administrative and procedural parameters, the Trustee shall pursue growth and returns
               within Policy parameters. Withdrawals from the Permanent Fund may be made annually
               pursuant to the terms of the Trust and will require coordination and planning to
               minimize having  to  recognize unrealized losses. No cash buffer is required on the

               The Permanent Fund shall be managed proactively in high credit quality investments.
               Securities lending may be used to add incremental income. Strategies shall utilize
               competitive bidding where appropriate and other controls as established by this Policy
               for all transactions pursuant to the terms of the Trust.

               Securities may be sold or swapped if an opportunity exists to benefit from the trade. All
               transactions, including swaps  must  be documented. The Trustee will continuously
               monitor the contents of the portfolio, the available markets, and the relative value of
               competing instruments to adjust the portfolio in response to market conditions.

               V.      STANDARD OF CARE

               The standard of care to be used shall be the “prudent person” standard as established by
               the Act and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall Permanent Fund. The
               "prudent person" standard states that:

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