Page 473 - FortWorthFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 473

City of Fort Worth

               Department of Finance

               Investment Policy and Strategy

               Fort Worth Permanent Fund

               I.      INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE

               It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth, Texas (the "City") that the administration and
               investment of all City funds shall be handled in a manner that  promotes the highest
               public trust. The City Council has designated that certain funds obtained from mineral
               rights owned by the City be placed in a trust for benefit of the City, with such trust to be
               known as the Fort Worth Permanent Fund (the “Permanent Fund”) and to be invested in
               accordance with this Policy. Those funds that have been obtained from mineral rights but
               not designated as part of the Permanent Fund will  be managed as part of the City
               portfolio under the City’s General Portfolio Investment Policy and Strategy.

               This Fort Worth Permanent Fund Investment Policy and Strategy (the “Policy”) sets
               specific investment and strategy guidelines for funds placed in the Permanent Fund and
               establishes controls to ensure effective and judicious fiscal and investment management.
               The guidelines are intended to be broad enough to allow active investment within the
               Policy parameters yet specific enough to adequately safeguard the assets.

               II.     GOVERNING AUTHORITY

               All Permanent Fund investment activities shall be conducted in full compliance with
               applicable City ordinances as well as state and federal regulations.  Statutory regulations
               generally applicable to the investment of public funds in Texas are found in the Public
               Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code (the “Act”), with a specific
               provision applicable solely to municipal funds for the management and development of
               mineral rights found in Sec. 2256.0202 of the Act, which incorporates by reference The
               Texas Trust Code (Subtitle B, Title 9, Property Code). All investments of monies in the
               Permanent Fund will be made in accordance with these statutes and this more restrictive
               Policy. Collateral requirements are established in Texas by the Public Funds Collateral
               Act, Chapter 2257, Texas Government Code.

               III.    OBJECTIVES

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