Page 84 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 84

Fund Balance

             Per the State's new mandated debt service tax calculations, the fund is required to use previously
             accumulated funds to pay for a portion of the current year's debt service, resulting in a draw down of fund
             balance similar to the previous two years. Starting in FY24, staff is anticipating earned revenues to cover all

                  $1. 25M





                            FY2017     FY2018     FY2019     FY2020     FY2021     FY2022      FY2023

                                                          Restric ted

             Financial Summar y    FY2017    FY2018    FY2019    FY2020     FY2021    FY2022   FY2023   % Change
                                       —         —         —         —          —         —        —
             Fund Balance
             Restricted            $693,195  $697,975  $844,866  $1,126,001  $1,066,797  $872,399  $416,275  -52.3%

             Total Fund Balance:  $693,195  $697,975  $844 , 866  $1,126 ,001  $1,066 ,797  $872 , 399  $ 416 , 275  -52 . 3%

                City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023                                                     Page 84
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