Page 8 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
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City of Colleyville FY2023 Adopted Budget Transmittal

             Dear Fellow Citizens of Colleyville,

             The past two years have been trying for all of us in varying degrees. From a world-wide pandemic to a devastating
             winter storm and an international terror incident in our back yard, Colleyville has been through its share of stresses. Yet
             through these times, the City of Colleyville has never stopped working for you. When other levels of government closed
             down,  Colleyville  employees  continued  to  staff  our  of ces.  We  answered  phones,  responded  to  calls  for  help,  and
             reached  out  to  make  sure  we  were  doing  everything  in  our  power  to  support  you.  When  restaurants  and  retail
             establishments were facing state-mandated operating restrictions and potential closures, the City went into action to
             support these businesses via grants and several rounds of our City-wide gift card program in an effort to put dollars
             directly into the pockets of our embattled small businesses. When an unprecedented winter storm took power and
             water from our residents’ homes, the City repurposed its facilities to be warming centers, staffed around the clock and
             providing  food,  water,  and  shelter  for  anyone  in  need.  And  when  an  international  terrorist  held  our  neighbors  at
             gunpoint at Congregation Beth Israel, our police department worked with national law enforcement agencies to bring
             the incident to a close while keeping our residents safe and informed. Through all of these events, our staff and elected
             of cials have made a concerted effort to communicate openly with our citizens and businesses on a routine basis so
             that, if nothing else, you had the information you needed to make your own decisions in this dif cult environment. It
             truly has been a time like no other for us, and we’re proud to have made it through with all of you.

             Perhaps one of the many lessons we can take from the past few years is that local government holds a responsibility
             unlike any other. Of all of the levels of public service that you pay for, we are the  rst line, closest to you, and the  rst to
             respond. Our programs and services fall within a few miles of your homes and businesses, and can be seen just outside
             your windows. Our staff and elected of cials keep this at the front of our minds as we prepare our plans and priorities
             for each upcoming  scal year. With that, we are pleased to present the adopted FY 2023 Combined Annual Operating
             Budget  for  the  City  of  Colleyville.  This  budget  includes  program  funding  for   rst  responders,  infrastructure
             maintenance, utility support, parks and recreation facilities, and all supporting administrative efforts. It was developed
             to not only provide for the needs of today but to meet the needs of the future as well. Our budget is balanced and
             prepared in accordance with state law, the Colleyville City Charter, ordinances, and budget policies. Additionally, there
             are no substantive changes between the initial proposed FY 2023 budget and the adopted FY 2023 budget.

             The City provides a full range of municipal services provided through operating funds (utilizing taxes,  nes, fees and
             service  charges,  primarily),  special  revenue  funds  (utilizing  sales  taxes  and  hotel  taxes),  and  capital  project  funds.
             Whenever possible, the most restrictive funding source is used  rst, ultimately limiting the costs borne by the primarily
             property tax-supported general fund.

             The combined expenditures of the City’s major operating funds are as follows:

                FY 2023    General    Utility  Drainage  Debt   Hotel Tax
               Adopted      Fund      Fund      Fund    Ser vice  Fund
             Operating   $26,227,785 $19,832,854 $1,045,000 $603,660 $275,000
             Operating   $25,297,424 $19,832,854 $ 721,619  $769,010  $273,569

             One measure of a City’s  nancial strength is its level of reserves. While the City Council has approved a conservative
              scal  policy  of  a  90-day  reserve  requirement,  the  City’s  operating  funds  are  projected  to  exceed  the  minimum
             requirement as of September 30, 2022. Additionally, any operating surplus experienced by our operating funds at the

                City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023                                                      Page 8
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