Page 68 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 68

Personnel Changes
            Colleyville's philosophy is to run the City as if it were a business. In support of that, the City maintains a relatively lean staff,
            with additions or changes only being made when absolutely necessary and fully justi ed through the public budget
            process. For Fiscal Year 2023, City of cials identi ed three primary areas where additional staf ng was justi ed. The
            Colleyville/Keller Municipal Court has been operating with a lean staff of 5 full-time positions to cover a total population of
            more than 70,000 people. This already lean staff experienced further stress during FY20 and FY21, when pandemic-
            related vacancies resulted in full staff turnover. With the workload topping 3,000 citations per clerk, the Court's new
            administrator successfully demonstrated the bene t one additional clerk would have on the court's operations.

            Additionally, the Parks Department will be adding 2 new full-time positions as well: a Landscape Beauti cation
            Supervisor and an additional Parks Maintenance Technician. These positions will be dedicated to maintaining the recent
            beauti cation efforts spearheaded by the City.

            Both of these strategic moves will increase the ef ciency of the department as well as reduce necessary overtime for
            existing staff.

            Finally, a new public safety initiative has resulted in the addition of 6 new school resource of cers funded through the
            Crime Control and Prevention District Fund. With recent nationwide concerns regarding school safety, Colleyville Council
            and citizens have expressed the desire to increase security at Grapevine-Colleyville ISD campuses. These new positions
            are expected to be  lled and in service within the next year and a half.

            Below is a summary of staf ng by department and fund, as well as an additional roll-up by department.

                City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023                                                     Page 68
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73