Page 147 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 147

City Council

                                                            Bobby Lindamood

             The  City  Council  is  the  body  of  elected  representatives  for  the  city.  They  have  home  rule  charter  authority  and  serve  as  the
             policymakers  and  decision  makers  for  Colleyville.  City  Council  regularly  establishes  community  goals  and  policies,  adopts
             ordinances and resolutions and appoints citizens to community boards and commissions. City Council shall through its leadership
             keep  the  City  of  Colleyville  a  model  city  with  attention  to  being  an  ef cient  and  attractive  neighborhood-oriented  community
             sensitive to our history, resources and residents.

                                                        Core Ser vices
             The City Council is responsible for the following core services:
                 . Provide leadership and direction for all programs and services

             1.1 Actively involve and engage stakeholders.
             6.1 Articulate a compelling vision and direction for the community.
             6.3 Foster our shared values.
             City  Council  are  the  elected  representatives  of  the  City,  have  home  rule  charter  authority  and  serve  as  the  policymakers  and
             decision makers for Colleyville. City Council regularly establishes community goals and policies, adopts ordinances and resolutions
             and appoints citizens to community boards and commissions. City Council determines the tax rate, ultimately establishing the
             price  property  owners  are  willing  to  pay  for  programs  and  services.  The   scal  year  2023  budget  includes  a  tax  rate  of
             $0.265618/$100  of  valuation,  a  $0.026219  reduction  from  the  $0.219778tax  rate  in   scal  year  2022.  This  rate  reduction  serves  to
             provide some relief to property owners receiving higher appraisal values, while also providing the revenue necessary to continue
             funding programs and services at a sustainable level.

                                           Performance Measures & Vital Statistics

                                              FY 2018   FY 2019  FY 2020    FY 2021    FY 2022     FY 2023
               Performance Measures  FY 2017

                Tax rate per hundred  $0.33913  $0.333834 $0.320800 $0.306807  $0.304365  $0.291778  $0.291778
                 dollars of valuation
                 Percent of citizens            n/a      n/a       85%        n/a        n/a        n/a
              satis ed with quality of life  85%
                   in Colleyville
                 Percent of citizens            n/a      n/a       74%        n/a        n/a        n/a
                satis ed with value of  73%
               services for taxes paid

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