Page 9 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 9
BudgeT Overview .................................................................................................................... 53
This section attempts to help explain the meaning behind the numbers which are presented in subsequent chapters.
It gives perspective to the City’s budgeting process, basis of budgeting and accounting, how the budget is amended
and the fund accounting system.
guide to the Budget document .......................................................................................55
Building the Budget ..........................................................................................................67
Budget in BrieF ..................................................................................................................73
CiTy PrOfile .......................................................................................................................... 77
We believe the ability to monitor and evaluate the financial condition of a local government is critical to that
government’s successful, prosperous future. Recognizing that trends can provide early warning signals, staff regularly
monitors numerous financial indicators. A portion of this data is featured in the charts located in this section of the
budget document. These charts offer a quick, effective visual of the City’s financial condition. A list of Council members,
an organizational chart, location and a history of the City is also provided.
Financial trend monitoring system overview ................................................................ 87
Financial trend monitoring system: environmental Factors .................................... 91
Financial trend monitoring system: Financial indicators ........................................ 105
Benchmark city trend data ..............................................................................................121
sTraTegiC direCTiOn ..............................................................................................................135
This section provides information about the City’s Strategic Management System (SMS). Several years ago the City
adopted the SMS which drives the way the City conducts its business. The department directors contribute to the SMS
by developing a corporate business plan and aligning their yearly budget proposals to that plan.
CiTy deParTmenT Overview .................................................................................................. 155
This section provides an overview of the various departments and divisions of the City via department highlights,
strategy maps, scorecards and goals . This section is intended to give the reader an understanding of the core services
each department provides as well as performance data related to those services.
fund summaries ...................................................................................................................251
This section provides an analysis of each separate fund including revenues, expenditures and fund balance. For
comparative purposes, the immediately preceding fiscal year’s audited figures are illustrated, as well as current
year budget, revised current year and projected budget for the impending fiscal year.
general fund exPendiTures .................................................................................................281
This section provides the General Fund Summary. The General Fund is the City’s principal operating fund which is
supported by taxes, fees, and other revenues that may be used for any lawful purpose. This fund accounts for all
activity not specifically accounted for in other funds and includes such operations as police, fire, engineering, planning,
finance and administration.
sTraTegiC iniTiaTive fund .....................................................................................................291
This section provides information about the Strategic Initiative Fund. This fund was created in 2005 for the purpose of
taking fund balance reserves in excess of the City identified optimal fund balance level and using them for one-time
expenditures for high-impact projects such as infrastructure maintenance, community enhancement, technology and
capital acquisition.
viii FY 2022 City of Southlake | BUDGET BOOK