Page 59 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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                                       GUIDE TO THE BUDGET DOCUMEnT


        How  does  the  City  of  Southlake  spend  taxpayer       fy 2022 BudgeT
        money?  It’s  a  simple  question  with  a  complex              Calendar
        answer. What follows is a high-level explanation of
        the City of Southlake’s budget process.
                                                         January 2021          ciTy council -
        The formal budget process in Southlake begins each                     sTRaTegy woRk session
        January / February with a City Council work session   MaRcH 2021       sTaFF BudgeT kick-oFF
        designed to review the City’s strategy as it relates to
        the Strategic Management System (SMS) and make   May 2021              depaRTMenTal BudgeTs due
        any changes necessary to ensure that the strategy   augusT 2021        ciTy council BudgeT pReview
        still  aligns  with  City  Council  and  citizen  priorities.
        To  read more about  the SMS,  see  the Strategic                      ciTy council woRk session
        Direction section.
                                                                               ciTy ManageR Files BudgeT

        Using Council’s direction at this work session, staff   sepTeMBeR 2021   ciTy council woRk session
        begins working on their departmental work plans                        1sT Reading and
        for  the  upcoming  fiscal  year.    The  initiatives  in              puBlic HeaRing
        these plans determine what budgetary requests are                      ciTy council 2nd Reading
        necessary to meet service level needs.  Once each                      and puBlic HeaRing
        department has finalized its own plan, and it has
        been approved by the City Manager, staff prepares   ocToBeR 1          Fiscal yeaR 2022 Begins
        their departmental budget requests which are also
        submitted  to  and  reviewed  by  the  City  Manager.        Figure 1:  FY 2022 Budget Calendar
        For more information about the City’s organizational
        structure, see the Strategic Direction section of this book.

        The Charter of the City of Southlake mandates that a adopted budget be filed by the City Manager with the City
        Secretary’s Office no later than August 15th for the new fiscal year beginning October 1.  Following filing, the City
        Council begins their review leading up to budget adoption in September.

        When filed with the City Secretary’s Office on August 15th, the budget presents in summary form the revenues and
        expenditures from each of the City’s funds.  From there it is discussed during City Council work sessions and then
        formally presented by staff during public hearings at regularly scheduled City Council meetings.

        The City of Southlake Charter Sections 9.20 through 9.25 defines the process for budget amendments (see Appendix).
        To meet these charter requirements, budget amendment requests, if necessary, are evaluated and processed each
        year and presented to City Council for review and approval.

        The  process  leading  to  the  budget  adoption  is  participatory  and  includes  a  communications    plan    that
        encourages  input  from  citizens,  boards  and  commissions,  City  departments,  and  the  City  Council.

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