Page 58 - Southlake FY22 Budget
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                                                      GUIDE TO THE BUDGET DOCUMEnT

            •  Fund Summaries - This section provides an analysis of each separate fund including revenues, expenditures and
               fund balance. For comparative purposes, the immediately preceding fiscal year’s audited figures are illustrated, as
               well as current year budget, revised current year and adopted budget for the impending fiscal year.
            •  General Fund Expenditures - This section provides the General Fund Summary. The General Fund is the City’s
               principal operating fund which is supported by taxes, fees, and other revenues that may be used for any lawful
               purpose. This fund accounts for all activity not specifically accounted for in other funds and includes funding for
               operations such as police, fire, engineering, planning, finance and administration.
            •  Strategic Initiative Fund - This section provides information about the Strategic Initiative Fund. This fund was
               created in 2005 for the purpose of taking General Fund balance reserves in excess of the City identified optimal
               fund  balance  level  and  using  them  for  one-time  expenditures  for  high-impact  projects  such  as  infrastructure
               maintenance, community enhancement, technology and capital acquisition.
            •  Facility Maintenance Fund  - This section provides information about the Facility Maintenance Fund. The purpose
               of this fund is to build capacity for annual or future maintenance projects as we will have many needs to address
               as our facilities age. The Strategic Initiative Fund has provided regular transfers for this fund, an important element
               of our budget given the size and complexity of the City’s facility infrastructure.
            •  Technology Infrastructure & Security Fund - This section provides information about the Technology Infrastructure
               & Security Fund.  This  fund  was created in  2017  to build  capacity for current and  future technology  needs.
               Expenditures in this fund are used to maintain, enhance and replace technology infrastructure and enterprise
               software to ensure the City receives the most reliable and best value with technology investments.
            •  Economic Development and Investment Fund - The Southlake 2035 Economic Development & Tourism Strategic
               Plan includes the following as recommendation 4.3: “Southlake should establish a fund to use to attract and retain
               employers, as well as to help retain and expand existing businesses.” This fund was created in 2013 for that purpose.
            •  Utility Fund - This section provides the Utility Fund Summary. The Utility Fund is an enterprise or business fund.
               This means that the direct beneficiaries of the “business” pay for all costs through fees or rates. Water, sewer
               service, and solid waste service revenues generated through our rates, as well as the expenses for providing these
               services are accounted for in the Utility Fund.
            •  Vehicle  Replacement  Fund  -  This  section  provides  a  fund  summary  and  detailed  spending  plan  for  funds  to
               manage the purchase of vehicles for the City’s fleet. The establishment and funding of the vehicle replacement
               program was designed to even out expenses for the City’s fleet from year to year and provide a logical method for
               purchasing and retiring vehicles.
            •  Debt Service Funds & Debt Schedules - This section provides a summary of the annual principal and interest
               payments for all outstanding bonded debt and capital leases. Also included are some fast facts about the City’s use
               of debt and how that debt is funded both through property tax revenue and through dedicated, self-supporting
               revenue streams such as sales tax revenues for park development.
            •  Special Revenue Funds - This section provides a detailed spending plan for funds generated from the proceeds of
               specific revenue sources that are legally restricted for certain purposes.
            •  Capital Improvements Program - A Capital Improvements Program is for the purchase, construction or replacement
               of the physical assets of the City. This section includes a listing of adopted projects for the capital budget as well as
               projects that are planned for implementation over a five-year period.
            •  Appendix - This section includes a list of acronyms, a budget glossary, Southlake’s financial policies and frequently
               asked questions. Also included is a personnel schedule, tax rate allocation information and the Financial Wellness
               component of the Southlake 2030 Sustainability Plan.

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