Page 518 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 518


                                                                   FInAnCIAL POLICIES

        (j) Such other information as may be required by the Council or deemed desirable by the City Manager.

        9.03. Capital Facilities and Property Budget.

        A five (5) year Capital Facilities and Property Budget, which may be revised and extended each year to indicate capital
        improvements pending or in process of construction or acquisition, shall provide the following items:

        (a) A summary of proposed programs;

        (b) A list of all capital facilities and property improvements which are proposed to be undertaken during the five (5)
        fiscal years next ensuing, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for such improvements;

        (c)  Cost  estimates,  method  of  financing  and  recommended  time  schedules  for  each  such  improvement  with  the
        estimated effect on the tax levy, and;

        (d) The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to be constructed or acquired over the five
        (5) year period.

        9.04. Submission.

        The City Manager shall submit to the Council a proposed budget and accompanying message on or before the fifteenth
        day of August of each year. The Council shall review the proposed budget and revise it as deemed appropriate prior to
        the general circulation for public hearing.

        (Amended on May 5, 2001)

        9.05. Public Notice and Hearing.

        The public notice and hearing shall be held in accordance with state law.

        (Amended on January 19, 1991; Amended on November 6, 2007).

        Editors Note: Notice of public hearings is required in V.T.C.A., Local Government Code §§ 102.006(c) and 102.0065.

        9.06. Amendment before Adoption.

        After the public hearing, at a regular or special meeting, the Council may adopt the budget with or without amendment.
        In amending the budget, it may add or increase any programs or amounts and may delete or decrease any programs
        or amounts, except expenditures required by law or for debt service or for estimated cash deficit, provided that no
        amendment to the budget shall increase the authorized expenditures to an amount greater than the total of estimated
        income plus funds available from prior years.

        9.07. Adoption.

        The Council shall adopt the budget by ordinance not later than the 30th day of September. Adoption of the budget will
        require an affirmative vote of at least four of all the members of the Council. Adoption of the budget shall constitute
        appropriations of the amount specified therein as expenditures from the fund indicated, and shall constitute a levy of
        the property tax therein proposed.

        9.08. Defect Shall Not Invalidate Tax Levy.

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