Page 121 - Saginaw FY22 Adopted Annual Budget
P. 121



                        ANNUAL OBJECTIVES                                     2020-2021 PERFORMANCE
                                                             The recommended items per capita for our population size
            Meet and exceed the State average materials per capita  is 2.46. At 2.50 items per capita (based on a population of
            as our population increases.
                                                             24,150), we exceed the state standard.

                                                             Program attendance and patron visits are slowly building
            Increase patron visits and program attendance by 10%.
                                                             back to pre-COVID levels.
                                                             As COVID restrictions eased, we were able to significantly
            Increase the number of hours donated by volunteers  increase volunteer participation over last year. (87.5%
            and provide training to ensure quality work.
            Take inventory of all materials on a rotating basis so We were able to use the time while the Library was closed
            that all sections are covered within a three-year period.  to do more inventory than normal.

                                                             COVID precautions kept us from adding additional
            Increase library programs and services based on programming, but we were sensitive to community needs
            community need and interest.                     and wants as we slowly re-introduced our regular

                                                              We received the Interlibrary Loan Reimbursement grant
                                                             from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
                                                             We received monetary donations from the Saginaw Library
                                                             Boosters ($1,500) and Jet's Pizza ($250) to support the
            Apply for and receive at least two (2) grants and two (2)  Library's Summer Reading Club, as well as numerous in-
            other donations each year.
                                                             kind donations from local businesses. We also partnered
                                                             with TWU to host an MLS student for their practicum--
                                                             providing us with an intern for 6 weeks who helped us on a
                                                             large project.
            Meet the demand for increased library services by  Replaced three staff computers with current models. Added
            improving the Library's internet and technology services,  additional laptops to support the Adult Learning program.
            both for patrons and staff.

                                                             We spent time this year improving the collection with
            Maintain and improve the collection with consistent updates to the World Languages and Graphic Novel
            weeding and purchase of current materials.       collections, and the addition of World Cultures and Leveled
                                                             Reader sections.

            Help children develop an interest in reading by making COVID-19 severely impacted our ability to do in-person
            reading fun. Offer programs after school and at remote outreach, but we have expanded our online presence with
            locations in an effort to involve more children in reading. virtual storytimes and a YouTube channel.

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