Page 20 - Pantego FY22 Operating Budget
P. 20
- Public safety sustainability;
- Code enforcement and neighborhood integrity efforts;
- Street improvement projects;
- Promoting employee retention by implementing competitive compensation and
benefit packages;
- Maintaining and enhancing infrastructure systems including street and sidewalk repairs,
water and sewer system improvements and replacement of major equipment as needed;
- Promote, assist, and enhance economic development activities that attract and
retain businesses in Town;
- Enhance the Town’s promotional and marketing efforts through social media and
participation in the Arlington Chamber of Commerce; and
- Maintaining and enhancing activities that support a sense of community.
The attached document is a responsible financial plan developed by utilizing advanced planning methods
and Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB 34) provisions and complying with the adopted
Town Financial Management Policies. Prudent financial and operational philosophies have guided the
development of this Budget. Every Budget seeks to allocate scarce resources, and there will always be
more needs than available funds.
However, we have changed some aspects of our Budget process from previous years. One of
my primary goals this year was to initially provide a conservative Budget with minimal decision
packages. The decision package items included in this Budget are recommended by Sean and
myself as being absolutely necessary. There are other decision package requests by department
heads that are not included initially. Their exclusion from the initial Budget is not to say that any
of those requests are not still critical – they are – and as we cover each department individually
over the next month you will be provided with more detailed decision packages to discuss and
consider. You will be provided with those materials in advance of each respective work session.
But again, my goal is to start off conservatively and then to review them individually when the
department discussions begin, so we have excluded them at the moment.
As part of our first meeting, Rami Saad with Enterprise will be present to discuss the savings
and value of entering into a lease agreement and replacement schedule for our vehicle fleet. We
brought this item up last year as some of you may remember, but it was relatively late in the
Budget process and Council asked staff to bring the item back this year. We have done so and
for planning purposes, this Budget includes the figures that will be in effect should we enter into
a deal with Enterprise.
Additionally, we have identified significant savings that we can obtain by entering into an
agreement with Xerox for our printing needs. The Xerox presentation and contract consideration
will be brought to you within the next month to discuss in depth, but this Budget is utilizing those
Similarly, we identified massive savings on our phone costs; again, I did not want one meeting
to be loaded with presentations on leases, printers, and phones, so we will discuss that further
in depth at one of our next meetings, but the figures provided include those savings.