Page 87 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 87
Street & Sidewalk Capital Projects
Department Project Title Project Number
Public Works TEXRail Signal Timing Coordination ST1901
Project Description
This project consists of signal timing coordination at the city's signalized intersections which will be impacted by railroad preemption
as a result of the commuter rail.
Project Justification
The traffic flow at the existing signals at Iron Horse / Browning, Holiday / Mid-Cities, Davis / Main, and Precinct / Glade will be
impacted by the regular closure of these roadways to accommodate train traffic once commuter rail is operational at the end of
2018. The purpose of this project is to obtain detailed modeling of the signal operations in conjunction with rail activity in order to
minimize the impact of the rail traffic on area motorists.
Project Status Update: Staff is working with TEXRail to address final issues and evaluating additional needs.
Project Schedule Beginning Date Ending Date History Fiscal Year Amount
Professional Services Adopted Budget 2018-19 $100,000
Engineering/Design 02/2020 10/2020 Total $100,000
Land/ROW Acquisition
Total Schedule 02/2020 10/2020
Sources of Funds Appr. To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Funding
General Obligation Bonds
Certificates of Obligation 100,000 0 0 0 $100,000
Federal/State Grants
Sales Tax
Total Funding $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $100,000
Project Costs To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Cost
Professional Services
Engineering/Design 100,000 0 0 0 $100,000
Land/ROW Acquisition
Total Costs $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $100,000
Operating Impact
No operating impact is anticipated.
Fiscal Year 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 Total Impact
Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0