Page 245 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 245
Aquatic Park Capital Projects
Department Project Title Project Number
Aquatic Park General Facility Improvements (2022) WP2201
Project Description
This project consists of costs for annual general facility improvements such as drainage improvements, miscellaneous building
improvements, capital acquisitions, and any safety improvements or emergency repairs for the facility that are identified during the
operating season. Projects in the past have included ADA updates, replacement motors, drainage improvements, concrete repair
and patching and resurfacing of numerous park attractions.
Project Justification
This project is important for emergency items and for general improvements to the park that are not included in the operating
budget. Items may include safety items, ride equipment replacement, new initiatives to improve guest service and revenue
generation, and safety related projects.
As the park ages, larger mechanical items will begin to fail due to age and use. This project will replace end of life items such as AC
units, larger kitchen equipment and ride motors and operating systems as needed.
Due to age, UV exposure and chlorinated water, fiberglass colors on various park slides and attractions will fade and dull. This
project will refurbish a portion of the slides with a specialized coating which will improve the colors and lifespan of the attractions.
Funding source: Aquatic Park Infrastructure Reserves (430).
Project Schedule Beginning Date Ending Date History Fiscal Year Amount
Professional Services Proposed 2021-22 $100,000
Engineering/Design Total $100,000
Land/ROW Acquisition
Construction 10/2021 09/2022
Total Schedule 10/2021 09/2022
Sources of Funds Appr. To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Funding
General Obligation Bonds
Certificates of Obligation
Federal/State Grants
Reserves 0 100,000 0 0 $100,000
Sales Tax
Total Funding $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $100,000
Project Costs To Date 2021‐22 Budget 2022‐23 Estimate 2023‐Completion Total Cost
Professional Services
Land/ROW Acquisition
Construction 0 100,000 0 0 $100,000
Total Costs $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $100,000
Operating Impact
Decreases in electric costs and annual maintenance costs with energy efficient replacement motors and equipment.
Fiscal Year 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 Total Impact
Amount $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0