Page 229 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 229


                                            Parks & Recreation Capital Projects
                Department                                     Project Title                         Project Number
        Parks and Recreation                Cross Timbers Park Playground Replacement with Shade          PK2202
                                                      Project Description
        This project provides for the replacement of the playground at Cross Timbers Park. The Parks and Recreation Department
        developed an Infrastructure Management Plan for park amenities which address long term funding needs for replacement and
        renovation of park sites and their amenities. Park assets are subject to continual heavy usage by citizens, exposure to the elements
        and natural aging process. The Asset Management Plan and ongoing park inspections are used to identify assets that have become
        worn, unsafe or unsightly and to create a priority timeline for their repair, renovation or removal.

                                                      Project Justification
        The Cross Timbers playground was constructed in 2001, with the existing components. From the original construction, parts are no
        longer available for replacement or retrofit. Due to the fact that older playgrounds are often exposed to the summer sun and heat,
        the 2007 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan makes specific recommendations for parks to construct shade structures
        over play areas. This project will serve to provide a safe, accessible and high quality play experience for our citizens to enjoy for
        years to come.

        The project funding source is Park Impact Fee Reserves (360) (North district).

        Project Schedule            Beginning Date   Ending Date        History          Fiscal Year   Amount
        Professional Services                                        Proposed              2021-22       $230,000
        Engineering/Design                                               Total                           $230,000
        Land/ROW Acquisition
        Construction                     10/2021         10/2022
        Total Schedule                   10/2021         10/2022
        Sources of Funds             Appr. To Date  2021‐22 Budget  2022‐23 Estimate  2023‐Completion  Total Funding
        General Obligation Bonds
        Certificates of Obligation
        Federal/State Grants
        Reserves                              0          230,000               0               0         $230,000
        Sales Tax
        Total Funding                        $0         $230,000              $0              $0          $230,000

        Project Costs                  To Date    2021‐22 Budget  2022‐23 Estimate   2023‐Completion    Total Cost
        Professional Services
        Land/ROW Acquisition
        Construction                          0           230,000              0               0          $230,000
        Total Costs                          $0          $230,000             $0              $0          $230,000
        Operating Impact
        No operating impact is anticipated.

        Fiscal Year                2020‐21       2021‐22      2022‐23       2023‐24       2024‐25     Total Impact
        Amount                           $0            $0            $0            $0            $0           $0


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