Page 145 - Project Detail Sheet_AdoptedBook
P. 145


                                                 Drainage Capital Projects
                Department                                     Project Title                         Project Number
        Public Works                             Sunnybrook Addition Drainage Improvements               DR2202
                                                      Project Description
        This project involves the installation of approximately 650-feet of concrete drainage pipe to allow for unobstructed discharge of the
        Sunnybrook storm drain system directly into the Walker Branch channel.  The project includes dedication of permanent drainage
        easements to house the new storm drain line.

                                                      Project Justification
        Approximately 4 acres of the Smithfield Middle School property, and a number of Sunnybrook residential properties currently drain
        through a public storm drain system at the north end of Sunnybrook Drive which outfalls onto private property to the east, where it is
        conveyed overland across multiple properties before arriving at the Walker Branch concrete lined channel next to Martin Drive.  The
        outfall ditch has silted in over the years, and without drainage easements the city does not have the ability to properly maintain the
        downstream system.  This causes standing water in the Sunnybrook inlets, and maintenance problems for the property owners.

        Funding Source: Drainage Utility Fund Reserves (120).

        Project Schedule            Beginning Date   Ending Date        History          Fiscal Year   Amount
        Professional Services                                        Proposed              2021-22       $210,000
        Engineering/Design               10/2021         03/2022         Total                           $210,000
        Land/ROW Acquisition
        Construction                     04/2022         09/2022
        Total Schedule                   10/2021         09/2022
        Sources of Funds             Appr. To Date  2021‐22 Budget  2022‐23 Estimate  2023‐Completion  Total Funding
        General Obligation Bonds
        Certificates of Obligation
        Federal/State Grants
        Reserves                              0          210,000               0               0         $210,000
        Sales Tax
        Total Funding                        $0         $210,000              $0              $0          $210,000

        Project Costs                  To Date    2021‐22 Budget  2022‐23 Estimate   2023‐Completion    Total Cost
        Professional Services
        Engineering/Design                    0            35,000              0               0           $35,000
        Land/ROW Acquisition
        Construction                          0           175,000              0               0          $175,000
        Total Costs                          $0          $210,000             $0              $0          $210,000
        Operating Impact
        No operating impact is anticipated.

        Fiscal Year                2020‐21       2021‐22      2022‐23       2023‐24       2024‐25     Total Impact
        Amount                           $0            $0            $0            $0            $0           $0


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