Page 37 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 37

The operating budget includes a balanced  financial plan  for all  funds for fiscal year 2021-2022  and
               forecasts the results of operations by fund for the period.  The effect of the Capital Improvement Program
               upon operations is reflected in the Capital Projects Fund.  The operating budget includes fund summaries
               and presentations by City operating departments without regard to fund.  Each division is divided into
               operating departments, and a budget summary by department is included for each division. Performance
               measures are incorporated for each department within each division.

               The Capital Project Fund is presented on a budgetary basis. State Law requires an adequate budget to pay
               for the entire construction contract and appropriated in the period in which  the contract  is entered;
               therefore, expenditures are presented on a budgetary basis as opposed to cash flow basis.

               Funding sources  for the Capital Improvement Program are  also  presented on  a budgetary  basis. The
               revenue sources are presented in the period that the funding will be realized in order to provide continuity
               between  the operating budget  and the capital budget. As a result of presenting on  a budgetary basis,
               funding sources may not equal budgeted expenditures in each period, creating a positive fund balance as
               cash accumulates for larger expenditures in later years.


               The operating budget is developed by fund using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP),
               except that depreciation and amortization are not budgeted.  The accounting  and financial reporting
               treatment  applied  to  a  fund  is  determined  by  its  measurement  focus.  All  governmental  funds  are
               accounted for using a current financial resources measurement focus.  All proprietary funds are accounted
               for on a flow of economic resources measurement focus.

               Governmental Fund Types

               Governmental funds  are accounted  for using  the  modified accrual basis of accounting.  The modified
               accrual basis is a combination of cash and accrual accounting  in that expenditures are immediately
               incurred as a liability while revenues are not recorded until actually received or are “measurable” and
               “available”  for expenditure.   Under the  modified accrual basis, revenues  and  other financial  resource
               increments are recognized when they become susceptible to accrual, that is, when they become both
               measurable and  available  to  finance expenditures of the  current period.   "Measurable" means  that
               amounts can be reasonably determined within the current period.  "Available" means that amounts are
               collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current

               Proprietary Fund Types

               Proprietary funds are budgeted on a full accrual basis. Revenues are recognized in the accounting period
               in which they are earned, and expenses are recognized in the period incurred.

               The following chart summarizes the basis of budgeting for the City’s  major funds by method of

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