Page 174 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 174


               Services Provided
                   •  Provide partnership between the Mansfield Police Department and
                       the citizens of Mansfield.
                   •  Provide the highest level of community service through offering
                       community centered programs.
                   •  Assisted residents, owners, and managers of rental property through
                       the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program.

               Accomplishments in FY 2020-2021
                   •  Hosted 2 Bicycle Rodeos for the public.
                   •  Hosted crime prevention quarterly meetings with neighborhood HOAs and apartment complexes.
                   •  Held 6 Explorer Post fundraisers and increased the Post’s enrollment.

               FY 2021-2022 Goals & Objectives
               1. Communicate with each apartment complex at a minimum of once per month for Crime Free Multi-
                   Housing purposes.
                   •  Conduct weekly phone notifications with each apartment complex manager in reference to
                       tenants arrested/charged with offenses.
                   •  Conduct monthly face-to-face meetings with apartment complex managers and staff to discuss
                       needs and crime trends.

               2. Conduct training meetings with the Uniformed Service Division and all hospitals regarding mental
                    •  Conduct Mental Health and Mental Retardation (MHMR) briefing, training, and updates with all
                       patrol officers every quarter.
                    •  Conduct Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) training awareness
                       and meetings with all hospital emergency room representatives annually.

               3. Enhance the training to our volunteers.
                   •  Hold quarterly refresher training to the members of the Citizen on Patrol Program (COP).
                   •  Hold monthly training for the Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS).

               Performance Measures
                                                            Actual       Actual       Budget       Budget
                Community Resources                        2018/2019    2019/2020    2020/2021    2021/2022
                 High Schools Serviced                              3            3            3             3
                 Special Events                                    35           38           40            30
                 Citizen Police Academy Classes                     2            2            2             2
                 Community Programs Attended                      162          124          170           110
                  Average Class-Citizen Academy                    15           15           18            17
                  Average Cost per Citizen                       $9.61        $9.28       $10.17         $9.88
                  Home Inspections                                 38            0            0             0
                  Percent of Scheduled Meetings Attended         100%        100%          100%         100%

   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179