Page 173 - City of Mansfield FY22 Operarting Budget
P. 173

Performance Measures
                                                            Actual       Actual       Budget       Budget
                CID                                        2018/2019    2019/2020    2020/2021    2021/2022
                 Population                                     71,325       73,410       75,411        76,000
                 Operating Budget                            $2,832,261   $3,139,641   $3,226,900    $3,400,000
                 Cases Assigned                                  2,534        2,672        2,700         2,700
                 Polygraphs                                        59           80           80            80
                  Cases Assigned                                 2,534        1,928        2,700         2,700
                  Cases Per Investigator                          265          267          246           246
                  Average Cost per Citizen                      $39.70       $41.37       $42.46        $44.73
                  Cases Cleared                                  2,002        3,202        2,000         2,000
                  Cases Assigned Per Investigator                 211          267          225           225
                  Average Cost per Citizen                      $39.70       $41.37       $42.46        $44.73
                  Percent of Cases Cleared                        79%         72%          100%          60%

               Measurable Outcomes:
                   •  Begin general case assignments within the first three (3) months.
                   •  Have an established list of those interested in crime scene investigations within the first three (3)
                   •  Identify the major crimes Detective and criteria for that Detective within the first month.

               Criminal Investigations      Actual       Actual        Budget        Budget       % Change
               Summary                     2018-2019    2019-2020     2020-2021     2021-2022     2021-2022

               Personnel Services       $                 2,584,040  $                 2,995,283  $                 2,936,787  $                   3,197,817  8.89%

               Operations                                       248,221                          274,684                          290,113                        301,871  4.05%

                 Total                  $                 2,832,261  $                   3,269,967  $                 3,226,900  $                   3,499,688  8.45%

                   Criminal Investigations           2019-2020     2020-2021    2021-2022    2021-2022
                   Full Time Equivilent Positions     Budget        Budget       Budget       Change
                   CID Captain                           1            1             1
                   CID Sergeant                          2            2             2
                   Crime Scene Technician                2            2             2
                   Property Technician                   2            2             2
                   Detectives                           11            10           11            1
                   Detective-Polygraph                   1            1             1
                   Digital Media Evidence Technician     -            -             1            1
                   Civil Investigator                    1            1             1
                   Crime Analyst                         1            1             1
                   Victims Assistantance Coordinator     1            1             1
                   Total                                22            21           23            2

               Contact: Tracy Aaron, Chief of Police, 817-804-5782

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