Page 437 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 437

Fiscal Management Contingency Plan

               The  contingency  plan  is  a  planning  document  that  will  be  used  in  the  event  there  is  a  downturn  in
               economic conditions that will negatively impact the City of Keller budget.  The City is dependent on a
               stable, growing economy so that budgeted revenues will be realized.  .

               The fiscal management plan will assist City management in guiding future planning efforts.  The Plan is a
               guide only, and is intended to assist in budget balancing strategies.  Depending upon management's
               response to economic and financial conditions, some parts of the plan may be implemented sooner or
               later,  in  accordance  with  direction  from  the  City  Council.   Economic  and  budget  conditions  will  be
               evaluated  monthly,  and  any  budget  impacts  resulting  from  economic  conditions  or  trends  will  be

               The contingency plan goals in order are:
               1. Protect current service levels, including staffing
               2. Minimize cost impacts to Citizens
               3. Provide competitive pay and benefits to all employees.

               Budgetary Revenue Shortfall Contingency Plan

               A.   The City will establish a plan to address economic situations that cause revenue to be significantly
                   less than the adopted budget revenue. The plan is comprised of the following components:

                   Levels –    Serve  to  classify  and  communicate  the  severity  of  the  estimated  budgetary  revenue
                               shortfalls and identify the actions to be taken at the given phase.
                   Actions –    Preplanned  steps  to  be  taken  in  order  to  prudently  address  and  counteract  the
                               estimated budgetary revenue shortfall.

               B.  The actions listed in Levels I through IV are intended to be short‐term in nature. In the event the
                   underlying economic situation is expected to last for consecutive years, more permanent actions will
                   be taken.

               C.  The  City  Manager  or  designee  will  apprise  City  Council  at  the  regular  City  Council  meeting
                   immediately following any action taken through this plan. Information such as underlying economic
                   condition, economic indicators, estimated budgetary revenue shortfalls, actions taken and expected
                   duration will be presented to City Council.

               D.  The City Council may appropriate available fund balance as needed to cover any estimated revenue
                   shortfall.   Appropriation  of  fund  balance  must  be  carefully  weighed  and  long‐term  budgetary
                   impacts must be considered in conjunction with the projected length of the economic downturn.  If
                   the use of fund balance will put a fund under fund balance policy requirements must include plan to
                   replenish the fund balance back to the minimum.

               E.  Actions taken through this plan must always consider the impact on revenue generation. Actions
                   taken should reduce expenses well in excess of resulting revenue losses.

               F.  The following is a summary of classifications and the corresponding actions to be taken.

                   1.  Revenues

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