Page 415 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 415
Sewer Service Tap $350 – 4‐inch tap within the City (if contractor required due to extenuating
(Corporate City Limits) circumstances, contractor costs are to be borne by the applicant)
Actual cost – larger than 4‐inch tap within the City
Outside City – Cost as determined on a case by case basis by Director of
Public Works based on actual costs and impact to the system
Water/Sewer Connection Bore Costs Bore fee to apply as needed based on actual linear foot cost
Street Lights $10.50 per month per pole (maximum of 24 months)
Sanitary Sewer Camera Fee $225 each – per residential building permit
Old Town Keller Asphalt Parking • Existing buildings/facilities – actual cost of materials
• New buildings/facilities and existing buildings/facilities with privately
funded improvements exceeding $50,000 – no cost
Public parking space construction scope and schedule to be at the discretion
of the Department of Public Works and dependent upon the availability of
funding as determined by the City
Miscellaneous right‐of‐way encroachment, $100 each
dedication or abandonment
Miscellaneous easement dedication or $100 each
Preliminary Plat N/A (see 'Plat' info below)
Final Plat N/A (see 'Plat' info below)
Replat $400 per application plus $20 per lot residential (exceeding one lot); $350
per application for single family lot
Plat (Preliminary, Final, and Amended) $300 per application plus $20 per lot residential (exceeding one lot); $250
per application for single residential lot
$300 per application plus $20 per acre for non‐residential
Planned Development $400, plus $10 per acre for planned development, planned development
amendment and future land use plan amendment
Thoroughfare Plan Amendment $250 per application
Specific Use Permit $350, plus $10 per acre
Rezoning Application $350, plus $10 per acre