Page 195 - Microsoft Word - FY 2021 tax info sheet
P. 195

                               ADMINISTRATION DIVISION (100-63-631)

             The mission of the Parks & Recreation Department is to enrich our community through people, parks, and programs. The
             Administration Division provides direction and administrative oversight for all parks and city grounds management, recreation
             programs, facilities maintenance, special events, Senior Center operations, The Keller Pointe, Keller Town Center
             maintenance, park capital improvements and development, and grant programs. The Administration Division serves as liaison
             to the Parks and Recreation Board, Keller Development Corporation, City Council, and special committees and task forces.

             1. Create parks, trails, and natural areas in accordance with the individual master plans where quality of life is protected and
             areas are carefully planned to provide a safe place to play, healthy lifestyles are encouraged and economic development is
             2. Protect natural areas for future generations through the acquisition of park land in accordance with the Parks and Open
             Space Master Plan.
             3. Analyze and Prioritize citizens' needs, ideas and feedback related to parks and recreation by coordinating citizen boards,
             including the Parks and Recreation Board, Keller Development Corporation, and special committees and task forces.
             4. Cultivate partnerships with civic groups, private businesses, foundations, and neighboring cities that align with our core
             values to expand our resources.
             5. Acquire and administrate grants for parks and facilities.
             6. Provide recreational and event locations for individuals to gather, celebrate, practice and compete through a reservation
             7. Oversee facilities management to ensure the efficient operation and aesthetics of all buildings and facilities.

             1. Complete Park Development projects as determined by City Council.
             2. Continue Hike and Bike Trail System Expansion.
             3. Continue meeting with key community stakeholders to analyze and meet community wants and needs.
             4. Continue capital replacement program for parks facilities and equipment.

                                                                                        FY 2021-22
                                                 FY 2019-20    FY 2020-21   FY 2020-21    Adopted
             SERVICES PROVIDED                     Actual       Budget       YE Proj.     Budget
             Board/Committee Meetings Organized      13           15           14           16
             Facility & Park Reservations           540          1,100         900          900
             Per capita annual investment in parks and
             recreation operations                  $55           $62          $54          $57
             Capital replacement projects completed  6             6            5            5

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