Page 58 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 58
Amendments to the budget can be made after adoption. According to Section 5.11-1 of the City Charter, the
City Council may amend the budget by ordinance during the fiscal year, if such amendment will not increase
the total of all budget expenditures.
The total budget may be increased if such expenditures are necessary to protect public property or the health,
safety, or general welfare of the citizens of Hurst. If the total budget is increased during the fiscal year, the
City must follow proper notice and public hearing schedules as prescribed for adoption of the original budget.
According to Section 5.11-2 of the City Charter, the Council may by ordinance amend the budget so as to
appropriate excess revenue to purposes they deem appropriate if, at any time, the total accruing revenue
of the City shall be in excess of the total projected revenue in the budget. Proper notice and public hearing
schedules, as prescribed for adoption of the original budget, must be followed.
By budget ordinance, the City Manager is authorized to make inter-department and inter-fund transfers
during the fiscal year, if necessary.
The core tenants of the Strategic Plan have not changed significantly since 2017 and continues to focus on
our mission, vision, and strategic priorities which include redevelopment, public safety, leadership, innova-
tion, economic vitality, and infrastructure. The Strategic Plan also focuses on implementing the “Hurst Way”
which includes a focus on customer service, public service, and financial sustainability. City departments uti-
lize those Strategic Plans to define service levels, update short-term divisional objectives, and propose budget
enhancements during the budget process.
The functions of preparing and analyzing the yearly budget are performed by the Finance Department. The
budget process begins in mid-April with the establishment of that year’s budget goals. Department heads are
updated on the City Council’s Strategic Plans and budget goals. After careful examination of the current year’s
expenditures and revenues, each projected line item is justified with cost estimates to provide current service
levels for the new-year and determination of the impact of any proposed cuts necessary to balance the bud-
get. In May, departments submit preliminary budgets with Supplemental Program Requests that are beyond
their current funding levels. Meetings are held with each department to review each line item for both the
current and proposed budget. Revenues are projected as accurately as possible in order to set priorities for
proposed expenditures. After final review by the City Manager, the City Council meets to review and make
changes to the budget in a budget workshop during August. This lets Council address any issues with the bud-
get prior to the public hearings and final approval in September.