Page 273 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 273
Mission Statement
he Community Services Department provides strategic leadership
T solutions to enrich the quality of life for all residents.
Prior Year Results Future Initiatives
h Strategically implemented a 5% budget reduction Continue to adjust operations to compensate
requested by the City Manager. for the negative impact of COVID-19.
h Implemented the Resource Allocation Study recom- Strategically evaluate staffing needs for each
mendations. division.
h Safely re-opened the Library, Senior, and Recreation Implement the Resource Allocation Study rec-
buildings. ommendations for increasing fees in the Senior,
h Navigated organizational challenges caused by the Recreation, and Parks divisions.
demands of the vaccine clinic, staff turnover, hiring Develop a consistent non-resident fee policy as
shortages, and retirements. recommended in the Resource Allocation Study.
h Provided project administration for the Animal Ser- Continue to revise the youth athletic leagues
vices and Adoption Center, Dog Park, and Highway 10 “Facility Use Agreements” to achieve cost re-
phase 4 median project. covery targets.
h Completed the Post Oak – Parker Cemetery Fence Develop and implement a permitting process
Project. for special park usage requests.
h Implemented an interdivisional marketing committee Host the 2022 Stars and Stripes event.
to oversee the publications of the Senior, Recreation, Evaluate changes to the 2021 Tree Lighting ven-
and Parks divisions. ue and event activities.
h Distributed quarterly updates to members of Parks
and Recreation Board, Library Board, Senior Citizens
Advisory Board, and Community Arts and Historic
Landmark Preservation Committee.