Page 167 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 167
Mission Statement
o provide responsive services and effective programs to ensure that
T Hurst remains a vibrant community.
Community Values Council Priorities
h Respect – Committed to being courteous and REDEVELOPMENT - The City of Hurst will create
understanding of one another a redevelopment plan engaging with the private
h Stewardship – Committed to prudent stew- sector, identifying potential city involvement
ardship in the pursuit of excellence and focusing on neighborhood and commercial
h Positive Environment – Committed to ensur- revitalization
ing the City of Hurst is well maintained, clean PUBLIC SAFETY - Continue to provide excellent
and secure, leading to an enjoyable living and responsive services to ensure positive com-
experience munity awareness and well-being
h Inclusiveness – Committed to providing ECONOMIC VITALITY - Identify external and
opportunity for the public to share in guiding internal influences on the financial condition of
the future direction of Hurst the City and create strategies to address chal-
INFRASTRUCTURE - Monitor and include new
methods to ensure quality infrastructure by
improving strategic partnerships and continually
investing in and revitalizing aging infrastructure
LEADERSHIP - The City of Hurst will link all oper-
ations to the strategic plan and the Hurst Way
INNOVATION - The City of Hurst will commit to
a culture of innovation and efficiency by focus-
ing on continuous process improvement and
customer service programs