Page 526 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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Step HOF 14.61 15.33 16.10 16.90 18.28 19.19 19.19 19.19 19.19 19.75 20.31 19.42 20.39 21.01 21.01 21.01 21.01 21.01 21.62 22.23 21.96 23.05 23.05 23.05 23.05 23.72 24.39
Step Hourly OT 43.82 45.99 48.29 50.71 54.83 57.56 57.56 57.56 57.56 59.25 60.92 58.26 61.17 63.02 63.02 63.02 63.02 63.02 64.86 66.68 65.88 69.15 69.15 69.15 69.15 71.16 73.17
Acting Rate 38.84 38.84 38.84 38.84 38.84 40.29 40.29 40.29 40.29 41.47 42.64 43.92 43.92 44.11 44.11 44.11 44.11 44.11 45.40 46.68 48.95 48.95 48.95 48.95 48.95 49.81 51.22
40 Hour Schedule Step Hourly Rate 29.22 30.66 32.19 33.81 36.56 38.37 38.37 38.37 38.37 39.50 40.61 38.84 40.78 42.01 42.01 42.01 42.01 42.01 43.24 44.45 43.92 46.10 46.10 46.10 46.10 47.44 48.78
Annual 60,767 63,769 66,959 70,316 76,036 79,818 79,818 79,818 79,818 82,158 84,474 80,786 84,828 87,381 87,381 87,381 87,381 87,381 89,934 92,463 91,352 95,890 95,890 95,890 95,890 98,679 101,467 Step Hourly Rate: The hourly rate of a step in a pay schedule (56 or 40 hour). Step Hourly OT: The overtime (OT) rate which is 1.5x the Step Hourly Rate. Step HOF: The holiday overtime rate for Fire ranks paid at 1/2 of the Step Hourly Rat
Monthly 5,064 5,314 5,580 5,860 6,336 6,652 6,652 6,652 6,652 6,846 7,039 6,732 7,069 7,282 7,282 7,282 7,282 7,282 7,494 7,705 7,613 7,991 7,991 7,991 7,991 8,223 8,456
Per Pay Step Period HOF 2,337 2,453 2,575 2,704 2,924 3,070 3,070 3,070 3,070 3,160 3,249 3,107 3,263 3,361 3,361 3,361 3,361 3,361 3,459 3,556 3,514 3,688 3,688 3,688 3,688 3,795 3,903
CITY OF FORT WORTH Fire Civil Service Classifications Salary Schedule for FY 2021-2022 Step Acting Hourly Rate OT 10.43 31.30 27.74 27.74 10.95 32.85 11.50 34.49 27.74 12.07 36.22 27.74 27.74 13.06 39.17 13.71 41.12 28.78 13.71 41.12 28.78 28.78 13.71 41.12 13.71 41.12 28.78 14.11 42.32 29.62 14.50 43.51 30.46 13.87 41.61 31.37 14.57 43.70 31.37 15.00 45.01 31.51 15.00 45.01 31.51 15.00 45.01 31.51 15.00 45.01 31.51 3
56 Hour Schedule Step Hourly Rate 20.87 21.90 22.99 24.15 26.11 27.41 27.41 27.41 27.41 28.21 29.01 27.74 29.13 30.01 30.01 30.01 30.01 30.01 30.88 31.75 31.37 32.93 32.93 32.93 32.93 33.89 34.84
Annual 60,767 63,769 66,959 70,316 76,036 79,818 79,818 79,818 79,818 82,158 84,474 80,786 84,828 87,381 87,381 87,381 87,381 87,381 89,934 92,463 91,352 95,890 95,890 95,890 95,890 98,679 101,467
Monthly 5,064 5,314 5,580 5,860 6,336 6,652 6,652 6,652 6,652 6,846 7,039 6,732 7,069 7,282 7,282 7,282 7,282 7,282 7,494 7,705 7,613 7,991 7,991 7,991 7,991 8,223 8,456
Per Pay Period 2,337 2,453 2,575 2,704 2,924 3,070 3,070 3,070 3,070 3,160 3,249 3,107 3,263 3,361 3,361 3,361 3,361 3,361 3,459 3,556 3,514 3,688 3,688 3,688 3,688 3,795 3,903 Effective Period Beginning July 6, 2019 (PPB 15) Effective First Pay Period of FY 2019-2020 Effective First Pay Period of FY 2020-2021 Effective First Pay Period of FY 2021-2022 Assistant Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs are not on a Step Plan. The Fire Chief determine
Step 1 0 11 1 0 11 1 0 11 Start = Upon graduation from training academy; Step 1 = 1st anniversary of Commission Date; Step 2 = 2nd anniversary of Commission Date, etc.
Years from Commission Start 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 1 9 14 Start 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 1 9 14 Start 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 1 9 14 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 4.00% Assistant Chief and Deputy Chief salary range changes contingent upon changes to General Employee Structures.
RANK Grade/Job Code FIREFIGHTER Y01/1032 ENGINEER Y02/1031 LIEUTENANT Y03/1030 Across the Board Increases (ATBs) Pay Raise Percentage FY 2018-2019 FY 2019-2020 FY 2020-2021 FY 2021-2022 Rate calculations:
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