Page 514 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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Annual 102,920 78,818 86,149 86,149 86,149 112,492 122,955 102,920 102,920 112,492 86,149 112,492 86,149 112,492 78,818 102,920 78,818 78,818 112,492 112,492 94,162 78,818 78,818 128,058 94,162 94,162 86,149 134,392 86,149 78,818 94,162 112,492 94,162 86,149 86,149 122,955
$/hr 49.48 37.89 41.42 41.42 41.42 54.08 59.11 49.48 49.48 54.08 41.42 54.08 41.42 54.08 37.89 49.48 37.89 37.89 54.08 54.08 45.27 37.89 37.89 61.57 45.27 45.27 41.42 64.61 41.42 37.89 45.27 54.08 45.27 41.42 41.42 59.11
Quartile 4** Annual $/hr 93,271 44.84 71,429 34.34 78,072 37.53 78,072 37.53 78,072 37.53 101,946 49.01 111,428 53.57 93,271 44.84 93,271 44.84 101,946 49.01 78,072 37.53 101,946 49.01 78,072 37.53 101,946 49.01 71,429 34.34 93,271 44.84 71,429 34.34 71,429 34.34 101,946 49.01 101,946 49.01 85,334 41.03 71,429 34.34 71,429 34.34 116,053 55.79 85,334 41.03 85,334 41.03 78,072 37.53 121,792 58.55 78,072 37.53
Midpoint Quartile 3** Annual $/hr 83,622 40.20 64,039 30.79 69,996 33.65 69,996 33.65 69,996 33.65 91,400 43.94 99,901 48.03 83,622 40.20 83,622 40.20 91,400 43.94 69,996 33.65 91,400 43.94 69,996 33.65 91,400 43.94 64,039 30.79 83,622 40.20 64,039 30.79 64,039 30.79 91,400 43.94 91,400 43.94 76,506 36.78 64,039 30.79 64,039 30.79 104,047 50.02 76,506 36.78 76,506 36.78 69,996 33.65 109,193 52.50 69,996 33.65
Quartile 2** Annual $/hr 73,973 35.56 56,650 27.24 61,919 29.77 61,919 29.77 61,919 29.77 80,854 38.87 88,374 42.49 73,973 35.56 73,973 35.56 80,854 38.87 61,919 29.77 80,854 38.87 61,919 29.77 80,854 38.87 56,650 27.24 73,973 35.56 56,650 27.24 56,650 27.24 80,854 38.87 80,854 38.87 67,679 32.54 56,650 27.24 56,650 27.24 92,042 44.25 67,679 32.54 67,679 32.54 61,919 29.77 96,594 46.44 61,919 29.77 56,650 2
City of Fort Worth FY2022 Salary Schedule (by Job Code) Minimum Quartile 1** Annual $/hr 64,325 30.93 49,261 23.68 53,843 25.89 53,843 25.89 53,843 25.89 70,308 33.80 76,847 36.95 64,325 30.93 64,325 30.93 70,308 33.80 53,843 25.89 70,308 33.80 53,843 25.89 70,308 33.80 49,261 23.68 64,325 30.93 49,261 23.68 49,261 23.68 70,308 33.80 70,308 33.80 58,851 28.29 49,261 23.68 49,261 23.68 80,036 38.48 58,851 28.29 58,851 28.
Grade 611 608 609 609 609 612 613 611 611 612 609 612 609 612 608 611 608 608 612 612 610 608 608 710 610 610 609 614 609 608 610 612 610 609 609 613
FLSA Status E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E
Job Code* PR1180 PR1190 PR1200 PR1210 PR1220 PR1240 PR1261 PR1270 PR1281 PR1290 PR1300 PR1311 PR1321 PR1330 PR1340 PR1351 PR1360 PR1370 PR1380 PR1390 PR1401 PR1411 PR1421 PR1430 PR1441 PR1451 PR1460 PR1471 PR1480 PR1490 PR1500 PR1511 PR1521 PR1530 PR1541 PR1551
Business Develop Coordinator Cable Services Supervisor Call Center Analyst Centralized PD Payroll Coordinator Chief Deputy City Marshal City Forester Customer Solutions Analyst Code Compliance Supervisor Communication Coordinator Communications Specialist Community Center Coordinator Community Center Supervisor Computer Forensic Examiner Conservation Specialist Construction Inspection Supervisor Contract Compliance Specialist Crime Analyst Crime Lab QA Coo
Job Title
Buyer I
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