Page 509 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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Annual  213,832  170,074  181,885  151,363  173,873  173,873  173,873  173,873  173,873  189,896  173,873  189,896  173,873  173,873  173,873  173,873  173,873  173,873  173,873  189,896  189,896  173,873  173,873  189,896  173,873  173,873  173,873  173,873  173,873  173,873

                   $/hr  102.80  81.77  87.44  72.77  83.59  83.59  83.59  83.59  83.59  91.30  83.59  91.30  83.59  83.59  83.59  83.59  83.59  83.59  83.59  91.30  91.30  83.59  83.59  91.30  83.59  83.59  83.59  83.59  83.59  83.59

                Quartile 4**  Annual  $/hr  192,773  92.68  164,208  78.95  163,972  78.83  146,145  70.26  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  171,194  82.30  156,749  75.36  171,194  82.30  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  171,194  82.30  171,194  82.30  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  171,194  82.30  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.36  156,749  75.

              Midpoint  Quartile 3**  Annual  $/hr  171,713  82.55  158,342  76.13  146,059  70.22  140,928  67.75  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  152,492  73.31  139,625  67.13  152,492  73.31  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  152,492  73.31  152,492  73.31  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  152,492  73.31  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,625  67.13  139,

                Quartile 2**  Annual  $/hr  150,654  72.43  152,477  73.31  128,146  61.61  135,711  65.25  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  133,790  64.32  122,501  58.89  133,790  64.32  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  133,790  64.32  133,790  64.32  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  133,790  64.32  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.89  122,501  58.

       City of Fort Worth  FY2022 Salary Schedule (by Job Code)  Minimum  Quartile 1**  Annual  $/hr  40,004  19.23  129,595  62.31  39,879  19.17  146,611  70.49  110,233  53.00  130,494  62.74  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  115,089  55.33  105,378  50.66  115,089  55.33  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  105,378  50.66  115,089  55.33  115,089  55.33  105,378  50.66  105,

                Grade  X17  309  Y17  Y08  306  Y07  305  305  305  305  305  307  305  307  305  305  305  305  305  305  305  307  307  305  305  307  305  305  305  305  305  305  400  400  400  400

               FLSA  Status  N  E  N  E  E  N  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E

                Job Code*  1000  1006  1026  1027  1530  1532  1564  AD1011  AD1021  AD1031  AD1041  AD1051  AD1061  AD1071  AD1081  AD1091  AD1101  AD1111  AD1121  AD1131  AD1141  AD1151  AD1161  AD1171  AD1181  AD1191  AD1221  AD1231  AD1241  AD1251  AD1261  AD1271  AP1011  AP1021  AP1031  AP1041

                Job Title                       Asst Code Compliance Director  Asst Human Resources Director  Asst Municipal Court Svcs Director  Asst Development Services Director   Asst Property Management Director Asst Pub Facilities/Events Director Asst Trans/Public Works Director  Asst Neighborhood Svcs Director Asst Economic Development Director  Asst Diversity & Inclusion Director Police Oversight Deputy Director  Asst Planning/Data Analytics Director

                      Police Trainee  Police Assistant Chief  Fire Trainee  Fire Assistant Chief  Police Deputy Chief  Fire Deputy Chief  Police Commander  Asst Fire Director  Asst City Auditor  Asst City Secretary  Asst Finance Director  Asst IT Solutions Director  Asst Library Director  Asst Park/Recreation Director  Asst Police Director  Asst Water Director  City Marshal  Clerk Of Municipal Court  Deputy City Attorney  Asst Aviation Director  Chief Judge  City Attorney  City Audit

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