Page 44 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 44

Processes and Policies

            Financial Policies

            Note: This section addresses the City of Fort Worth’s major financial policies governing the budget process and
            budget implementation. For more detailed information on city financial policies, please contact the City Finance
            Department or see the Financial Management Policy Statements in the Supplemental Information section.

            The City of Fort Worth’s financial policies establishes a foundation for the financial strength of the city government.
            These policies guide the City Council and the city manager as they make decisions regarding resource allocations.

            The financial condition of the city must be maintained at the highest level to ensure that resources are available
            to meet the city’s ever-changing priorities. The following policies are related to the adoption and implementation
            of the annual budget. They are designed to assure that the city maintains the highest credit rating possible from
            all rating agencies.

            Operating Budget
            Per city charter, the city shall operate under an annual balanced budget whereby the sum of net revenues and
            appropriated fund balance equals the expenditure appropriations. Revenue projections shall be set at realistic
            and attainable levels, sufficiently conservative to avoid shortfalls, yet accurate enough to avoid a regular pattern
            of setting tax rates that produce more revenue than is necessary. The city shall not develop budgets that include
            operating deficits that require the use of one-time resources to cover recurring expenses. The city’s annual budget
            shall be adopted by September 21, 2021 and shall be effective for a fiscal period beginning October 1, 2021 and
            ending September 30, 2022

            Fund Balances
            The city shall maintain a fund balance position that rating agencies deem adequate to meet the city’s needs and
            challenges.  Therefore,  the  city  has  adopted  a  policy  that  requires  management  to  maintain  fund
            balances/working capital at the following levels:

            General Fund: (Fund Balance)
                       General Fund       16.67%

            Special Revenue Funds: (Fund Balance)
                       Crime District        16.67%
                       Culture/Tourism        16.67%
                       Environmental         16.67%
                       Municipal Golf         16.67%

            Enterprise Funds: (Working Capital)
                      Municipal Airport        25.00%
                      Municipal Parking        25.00%
                      Solid Waste          25.00%
                      Stormwater           25.00%
                      Water and Sewer       25.00%

            Enterprise Funds: (Days Cash on Hand)
                      Municipal Airport         100 Days

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