Page 354 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 354
8. Municipal Airports Fund
Bonus, royalty and other natural gas-related fee revenue derived from airport
property, including pipeline easements and license agreements, will be allocated
in the following manner:
1. Fifty percent (50%) to the Aviation Gas Lease Capital Project Fund for
aviation capital improvement projects; and
2. Fifty percent (50%) to the Aviation Endowment Gas Lease Fund.
9. Pipelines in Public Rights of Way
Revenue derived from pipeline easements and license agreements in the public
rights of way will be deposited to the General Fund to offset the staff costs
associated with reviewing and managing the pipeline locations in relation to
other utilities.
10. Property Owned by City-Affiliated Corporation
All gas-related revenues derived from property titled to any City-affiliated
corporation, such as local development corporations, Alliance Airport Authority,
or the Housing Finance Corporation, shall be provided to such City-affiliated
corporation to support its lawful activities per the policies and oversight of its
respective governing board.
11. All Other Revenue
Except as noted in prior sections, all other revenue from bonuses, royalties and fees
from gas leases, pipelines or related activities located on all other City property,
including unrestricted park land, will be allocated as follows:
1. Fifty percent (50%) of the revenue will be allocated to the General
Gas Lease Capital Projects Fund; and
2. Fifty percent (50%) of the revenue will be allocated to the General
Endowment Gas Lease Fund.
12. Minimum Payment Threshold
Notwithstanding anything in this policy to the contrary, if a gas-related revenue
payment is $500 or less, one hundred percent of the payment will be allocated
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