Page 353 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 353
a. Twenty-five percent (25%) to the Nature Center Gas Lease Capital
Improvement Program
b. Twenty-five percent (25%) to the Park Gas Lease Capital Project Fund; and
c. Fifty percent (50%) to the Park System Endowment Gas Lease Fund.
After Full Funding of the Master Plan (as described above) has been achieved, all
royalties and other revenues received from gas leases associated with the Nature
Center will be allocated as follows:
a. Fifty percent (50%) to the Park Gas Lease Capital Project Fund; and
b. Fifty percent (50%) to the Park System Endowment Gas Lease Fund.
5. Park land - Municipal Golf Courses
Bonus, royalty and other natural gas- related fee revenue derived from
designated golf course property, including pipeline easements and license
agreements, will be allocated solely to the Golf Gas Lease Capital Project Fund.
6. Park land - Bonuses
Unless otherwise specified in subsections 3-5 above, all bonus revenues from gas
leases associated with park land will be recorded in the Park Gas Lease Capital
Project Fund and will be designated for use for capital improvements within the
park system.
7. Park land - Royalties and Fees for Federal/State Restricted Parks
With the exception of the Nature Center, royalties and other fees received from gas
leases or license agreements associated with park land that has federal and/or state
restrictions requiring proceeds to be spent within the park system shall be allocated
as follows:
a. Fifty percent (50%) to the Park Gas Lease Capital Project Fund; and
b. Fifty percent (50%) to the Park System Endowment Gas Lease Fund.
This same allocation shall be used for all gas-related revenues generated from the
Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge that are not otherwise allocated under
subsection 4 above.
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