Page 346 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 346

To establish and document a policy framework for fiscal decision-making, the City Manager will develop
            and  maintain  a  comprehensive  set  of  Financial  Management  Policy  Statements. The  aim  of these
            policies is to ensure that financial resources are properly managed to meet the present and future needs
            of the citizens of Fort Worth. Specifically this policy framework mandates the pursuit of the following
            fiscal objectives:

                    I.  Revenues: Design, maintain, and administer a revenue system that will assure a  reliable,
                        equitable, diversified, and sufficient revenue stream to support desired City services.

                    II.   Expenditures: Ensure fiscal stability  and the effective and efficient delivery of services,
                        through the identification of necessary services, establishment of appropriate service levels,
                        and careful administration of the expenditures of available resource.

                    III. Fund Reserve Policies: Maintain the fund balance and net position of the various operating
                        funds  at  levels  sufficient  to  protect  the  City's  creditworthiness  as  well  as  its  financial
                        position from emergencies.

                    IV. Capital  Expenditures  and  Improvements:  Review  and  monitor  the  state  of  the  City's
                        capital assets, setting priorities for the addition, replacement, and renovation of such assets
                        based on needs, funding alternatives, and availability of resources.

                    V.  Debt:  Establish  guidelines  for  debt  financing  that  will  provide  needed  capital  equipment
                        and infrastructure improvements while minimizing the impact of debt payments on current

                    VI. Interfund Loans: Establish guidelines for loans between funds.

                    VII. Cash and Investment Management: Invest the City's cash in such a manner so as to ensure
                        the  safety of principal and interest, to meet the liquidity needs of the City, and to achieve the
                        highest reasonable market yield

                    VIII.       Grants:  Seek,  apply  for  and  effectively  administer  federal,  state,  and  foundation
                        grants-in-aid, which address the City's current priorities and policy objectives.

                    IX. Fiscal Monitoring: Prepare and present regular reports that analyze, evaluate, and forecast
                        the City's financial performance and economic condition.

                    X.  Accounting,  Auditing  and  Financial  Reporting: Comply  with  prevailing  federal,  state,
                        and local statutes and regulations, as well as current professional principles and practices.

                    XI. Retirement System and OPEB Health Care Trust: Ensure that the Employees' Retirement
                        Fund is adequately funded and operated for the exclusive benefit of the participants and their

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