Page 317 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 317

Long Range Projections

            Long Range Financial Outlook

            Annually, in the spring, the city holds a council strategic retreat. This time is used to review and reflect on current
            events, growth trends, issues affecting the City, service delivery, economic development and how we budget for
            the current and future needs of the city.  All of this planning and prioritizing falls in line with a Long Range Financial
            Outlook which is also discussed during this time. This is a critical first step in the budgeting process.  The Long
            Range Financial Outlook is a 7 year projection for the General Fund and is a forward-looking forecast to consider
            new data allowing us to adjust our operating and capital programming and build a solid, realistic budget.  It
            identifies any potential risks and trends that may be impactful to city budgeting.  Below is a concise long range
            plan for each of the city’s annually adopted funds.

                                                       Governmental Funds

                                Projected Fund   Projected   Projected   Projected Fund   Projected   Projected   Projected Fund
                                Balance at End   Revenues   Expenditures   Balance at End   Revenues   Expenditures   Balance at End
                                 of FY2022    FY2023      FY2023    of FY2023    FY2024      FY2024    of FY2024
            GENERAL FUND
            General Fund        $   174,482,703 $   859,558,006  $ (859,609,951) $   174,430,757 $   888,265,383  $ (888,274,588) $   174,421,551
            Alliance Maintenance
            Facility               1,922,860   4,636,059  (5,120,571)  1,438,349  4,648,551  (5,131,178)  955,721
            Community Tree Planting  286,206    435,585    (563,190)   158,601        -       (504,437)   (345,835)
            Crime Control &
            Prevention District   38,572,532  99,437,661  (97,576,725)  40,433,467  104,152,940  (102,442,576)  42,143,832
            Culture & Tourism     15,003,540  41,996,297  (41,802,947)  15,196,891  44,029,117  (44,099,036)  15,126,972
            Culture &Tourism 2% Hotel  2,644,633  6,252,197  (6,252,197)  2,644,634  6,689,851  (6,689,851)  2,644,634
            Culture & Tourism
            Project Financing Zone  2,772,311  5,509,808  (6,109,808)  2,172,310  6,887,259  (7,487,259)  1,572,311
            DFW Rev Sharing        2,623,043   6,600,000  (6,600,000)  2,623,043  6,600,000  (6,600,000)  2,623,043
            Venue Operating         779,370    5,404,994  (5,404,994)  779,369    5,783,343  (5,783,343)  779,370
            Environmental Protection  3,589,260  5,035,578  (4,515,064)  4,109,774  5,184,966  (4,631,151)  4,663,589
            Economic Incentives    5,161,286   2,480,000  (1,984,000)  5,657,286  3,075,200  (2,460,160)  6,272,326
            Municipal Golf          863,957    5,849,346  (5,820,978)  892,326    5,489,912  (5,489,912)  892,326

                                                        Proprietary Funds

                                Projected Fund   Projected   Projected   Projected Net   Projected   Projected   Projected Net
                                Balance at End   Revenues   Expenses   Position at End   Revenues   Expenses   Position at End
                                 of FY2022    FY2023      FY2023    of FY2023    FY2024      FY2024    of FY2024
            Municipal Airport   $       6,354,310  $     15,293,377 $    (13,427,818) $       8,219,869  $     15,657,988 $    (13,944,597) $       9,933,260
            Municipal Parking      2,563,049   6,956,030  (7,335,009)  2,184,069  7,140,665  (7,507,027)  1,817,707
            Solid Waste           24,542,293  74,393,732  (75,189,598)  23,746,427  76,231,307  (77,897,634)  22,080,100
            Stormwater Utility    13,076,527  49,163,966  (49,163,966)  13,076,527  51,317,541  (51,317,541)  13,076,527
            Water & Sewer        213,696,412  508,997,197  (508,997,197)  213,696,412  522,985,744  (522,985,744)  213,696,412
            Capital Projects Service  9,260,437  15,373,196  (15,373,196)  9,260,437  15,862,738  (15,862,738)  9,260,437
            Fleet & Equipment  Serv  2,881,578  29,419,309  (29,419,309)  2,881,577  30,362,185  (30,362,185)  2,881,578
            Group Health Insurance  38,565,000  75,115,824  (76,562,633)  37,118,192  78,706,737  (81,749,819)  34,075,110
            Risk Financing        35,457,733  24,065,251  (24,065,251)  35,457,732  26,279,949  (26,279,949)  35,457,732

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