Page 244 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 244
Enterprise Funds
Compliance Department and advances the Material Management Program to engage the business and industrial
waste producers; Solid Waste Administration oversees the various programmatic areas, revenues sources for a
sustainability funding plan, and long-term landfill disposal capacity for the City’s residential and commercial waste
streams; and the Neighborhood Stability Section, part of the Code Enforcement Neighborhood Investigations
Division, conducts Safe Neighborhood Initiatives, presents nuisance abatement cases to the Building Standards
Commission, and coordinates the Code Ranger Program.
The Solid Waste Fund pays for the collection of sidewalk containers, mitigates and investigates all illegal dumping
activity, and litter abatement throughout the city. Additionally, Solid Waste pays a percentage of Code
Enforcement costs (based on solid waste enforcement hours). Current revenues collected under the grant of
privilege are passed through to Transportation and Public Works to offset road wear and tear from commercial
service providers. However, an FY2021 grant of privilege increase will direct the future increases to remain in the
Solid Waste Fund to help align and fund the related commercial sector benefits.
The Solid Waste Fund strives to operate cost-effective, financially sound, and award-winning programs that
continually serve as a role model for managing garbage, recycling, and waste reduction services for the residents
of Fort Worth, while supporting the city’s six Core Values with an exceptional level of customer service.
· The Adopted Budget increases by $2,733,491 for additional contractual costs for waste pickup services.
· The Adopted Budget increases by $860,000 for transfer out to capital projects represented in the FY2022
CIP, primarily for vehicles and equipment.
· The Adopted Budget decreases by $468,707 due to eliminating contributions to the funds net position.
· The Adopted Budget increases by $283,944 due primarily to the costs associated with implementation of
a 4% salary increase for all general employees.
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