Page 186 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 186

Special Revenue Fund

            CCPD – Park and Recreation


                                         FY2020        FY2021       FY2021       FY2022     Change from Adopted

                                          Final       Adopted      Adjusted      Adopted     Amount       %

            Revenue                       $                -      $                -      $                -      $                -      $             -     0.00%

            Salaries & Benefits             643,114      876,773      833,519       891,357     14,584    1.66%
            Gen Operating & Maintenance     403,004      237,544      280,798       237,493        (51)  -0.02%
            Capital Accts                        -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Debt Service Accts                   -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Transfer Out & Other                 -       163,500      163,500           -     (163,500) -100.00%
            Contra Accounts                      -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Project Budget Account               -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Expenses                    $    1,046,118   $    1,277,817   $    1,277,817   $    1,128,850   $  (148,967) -11.66%

                                                            2021                  2022                Change
                              Fund                      AP        FTE        AP         FTE        AP       FTE
            Crime Control and Prevention District         8.00      8.00       8.00        8.00        -        -
            Total                                         8.00       8.00      8.00        8.00        -        -


            The Crime Control & Prevention District (CCPD) Fund is a Special Revenue Fund supported by a voter-approved ½
            cent sales tax. Approved in 1995 the District has been renewed by voters in 2000, 2005, 2009, and 2014 for
            subsequent five-year periods, and most recently in 2020 for a 10-year period.

            The Park & Recreation Department is a participant of the CCPD Fund and manages three CCPD-funded initiatives:
            Parks Community Policing, Gang Graffiti Abatement Program, and the FW@6 Late Night Program.

            The Parks Community Policing initiative provides a safe environment for the public and staff by having an officer
            present at specific sites and events. In addition, private security is provided at the Diamond Hill Community Center.

            The Gang Graffiti Abatement initiative aids in the removal of graffiti from tagged or vandalized properties.

            The FW@6 Late Night initiative is offered at the Sycamore Community Center. The program creates a safe haven
            for “at-risk” youth living in high-crime areas of the city. The program’s goal is to decrease youth participation in
            crime  and  gangs  through  enrichment  and  recreational  activities  designed  to  reduce  crime,  stimulate  self-
            determination and increase community pride.

            FY2022 DISCUSSION
            The Adopted Budget decreases by $163,500 due to one-time vehicle replacements funded in FY2021.

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