Page 180 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 180
Special Revenue Fund
On May 19, 2020, the City Council authorized a management services agreement (M&C 20-0347) with the
Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Inc. (BRIT). The agreement is effective October 1, 2020, with all operations
for the Garden transitioning from the City of Fort Worth to management by BRIT.
Under the new management agreement, all revenues, expenses, and budgetary responsibilities were transitioned
to BRIT effective October 1, 2020. A new center in the PARD General Fund was established to administer the
management fee due to BRIT and track annual operating obligations for insurance, utility maintenance, and
personnel costs.
The FY2022 AP count holds at zero, as all positions were eliminated due to the transfer.
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