Page 169 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 169

Debt Service Fund

            Rock Creek PID Debt Service

            FUND SUMMARY

                                          FY2020       FY2021       FY2021       FY2022     Change from Adopted

                                           Final      Adopted      Adjusted      Adopted     Amount       %
            Use of Money & Property          32,590           -            -            -            -     0.00%
            Use of Fund Balance                  -      1,573,175          -            -     (1,573,175) -100.00%
            Revenue                      $          32,590   $    1,573,175    $                -      $                -     $(1,573,175) -100.00%

            Debt Service Accts              898,175     1,573,175          -            -     (1,573,175) -100.00%
            Expenses                     $       898,175   $    1,573,175    $                -      $                -     $(1,573,175) -100.00%

            Rock  Creek  Ranch  PID  continues  with  development  on  1,755-acres  located  in  southwest  Fort  Worth  off  the
            Chisholm Trail Parkway.  The development will include commercial, mixed-use and residential, as well as a new
            80-acre campus for Tarleton State University.  The campus opened in August 2019 and is expected to have 2,500
            students.  The Rock Creek PID Debt Service Fund was created to pay for debt issued to finance the improvements
            related to the development.  The debt takes the form of special assessment revenue bonds that are secured by
            pledged revenue of annual installments levied against the property within the PID.  The debts are special and
            limited obligations of the city, and shall never be payable out of funds raised or to be raised by taxation or from
            any other revenues, properties or income of the city.  The city is acting as the property owner's agent within the
            district  in  collecting  future  assessments,  forwarding  collections  to  trustees,  approving  bond  proceed
            disbursements, and initiating any future foreclosures.

            During FY2021, it was determined that the Rock Creek PID Debt Service Fund should be classified and accounted
            for as a fiduciary fund in adherence with GASB. FY2021 debt activity and balances were transitioned to a fiduciary
            fund mid-year. All future actions will occur in the Rock Creek Debt Trust Fund and can be found in the Fiduciary
            Fund section of this document.

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