Page 74 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 74



       I Special Revenue

        Special Revenue Funds are used to account for specific revenues that are legally restricted to expenditure
        for particular purposes.  As a governmental fund type, special revenue funds are accounted for and budgeted
        on a modified accrual basis.  Special revenue funds appropriations are adopted on an annual basis as part of
        the operating budget.

                 I Juvenile Case Manager Fund

                  The Juvenile Case Manager Fund accounts for the portion of fines for traffic violations that are
                  restricted by State Law to be used to finance the salary and benefits of a juvenile case manager.

                 I Municipal Court Technology Fund

                  The Municipal Court Technology Fund accounts for the portion of fines for traffic violations that
                  are restricted by State Law to be used for Municipal Court technology.

                 I Municipal Court Safety Fund

                  The Municipal Court Safety Fund accounts for the portion of fines for traffic violations that are
                  restricted by State Law to be used for Municipal Court security.

                 I Motel Tax Fund

                  The Motel Tax Fund accounts for the motel taxes collected from hotels and motels located in the
                  City of Forest Hill. Motel taxes are restricted for use for the promotion of tourism and economic
                  development in the City.

                 I Park & Recreation
                  The Park Fund accounts for donations for park improvements.

                 I Police Special Investment  Fund

                  The Police Community Relations Fund accounts for donations and community programs and
                  activities for crime awareness and prevention.

                 I Police Community Relations Fund

                  The police Community Relations Fund accounts for donations and community programs and
                  activities for crime awareness and prevention.
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