Page 120 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 120


           I  Glossary (Continued)

            Current Taxes: Taxes that are levied and due within one year.

            Debt Service: The City's obligation to pay the principal and interest of all bonds and other debt instruments
           according to a pre-determined payment schedule.

           Delinquent  Taxes:  Taxes  that  remain  unpaid  on  and  after  the  date  due,  after  which  a  penalty  for
           nonpayment is attached.

           Department: A major administrative division of the City that indicates over all management responsibility
           for an operation or group of related operations within a functional area.

           Depreciation: The process of estimating and recording the lost usefulness or expired useful life from a
           fixed asset that cannot or will not be restored by repair and will be replaced. The cost of the fixed asset's
           lost usefulness is the depreciation or the cost to reserve in order to replace the item at the end of its useful

           Designations: Designations are the desired uses of fund balance which are discretionary in nature in that
           the requested items were not budgeted in the prior year. To be a valid designation request, the department
           must not have spent all of its prior year budget (i.e. have savings), and must provide justification for the
           request approved by the City Manager.

           Disbursement: Payment for goods and services is in check.

           Effectiveness: A measure of how adequately the intended purpose is accomplished and the intended or
           expected results are produced.

           Encumbrance: The commitment of appropriated funds to purchase an item or service. Committed funds
           become encumbered when a purchasing requisition becomes an actual purchase order.

           Enterprise Fund: A governmental accounting fund used to account for operations that are financed and
           operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises, where the intent of the governing body is to
           recover the cost of providing goods through user fees. Rate schedules for these services are established to
           insure that revenues are adequate to meet all necessary expenditures. Enterprise funds within the City of
           Forest Hill are established for services such as water and sewer.

           Estimated Revenue: The amount of projected revenue to be collected during the fiscal year. It may also be
           defined as the proposed financing sources estimated to finance the proposed projected expenditure.

           Expenditure: Decreases in the use of net financial resources other than through inter-fund transfer.

           Expenses: Outflow or other depletion of assets or incurrence of liabilities during a specific period of time
           which  results  from  the  delivery  or  production  of  goods,  rendering  of  services,  or  carrying  out  of
           other activities that constitute the entity's ongoing major central operations.

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