Page 117 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 117


           I Glossary

           The City of Forest Hill Adopted Budget  contains specialized and technical terminology that is unique to
           public finance and budgeting.  To help both City departments and the general citizenry understand the
           terminology used during the budget process, this glossary is included in the adopted and published budget
           document as a reference.

           Accrual Accounting:  A basis of accounting in which revenues are recognized in the period in which they
           are earned and become measurable, and expenses are recognized in the period incurred instead of when cash
           is actually received or spent.  For example, in accrual accounting, revenue that was earned between June 1
           and September 30, but for which payment was not received until October 1 through November 30, is
           recorded as being received on September 30 rather than October  1 through November 30.

           Appropriation:  A legal authorization made by the City Council that permits the City to make expenditures
           and to incur obligations for specific purposes.  An appropriation is usually limited in amount and the time in
           which it may be expended.

           Appropriation Ordinance:  The official enactment by the City Council to establish legal authority for City
           officials to obligate and expend resources.

           Assessed Valuation: A value that is established for real or personal property for use as a basis for levying
           property taxes.

           Audit: A comprehensive examination of how an organization's resources were actually utilized, concluding
           in a written report of the findings.  A financial audit is a review of the accounting system and financial
           information to determine how government funds were spent and whether expenditures were in compliance
           with the legislative body's appropriations.  A performance audit consists of a review of how well the
           organization met its stated goals.

           Balanced Budget: A budget in which planned expenditures can be met by current income from taxation
           and other central government receipts

           Bond: An interest-bearing certificate of debt; a written contract by an issuer to pay to the lender a fixed
           principal an1ount on a stated future date and a series of interest payments on the principal amount until it is

           Budget: A financial plan for a specified period of time (i.e. a fiscal year) that includes all planned
           expenditw-es for various municipal services and the proposed means of financing them.

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