Page 131 - City of Colleyville FY22 Adopted Budget
P. 131
Departmental Specific Objectives (Continued)
Description Timeline Strategic Goal Link
Increase in the current
capabilities to offer more
mobile applications to 2.1 Provide responsive,
employees. Mobile efficient city services
employees have fewer
needs to type and have 2.3 Effectively leverage
more form based Within a 5-year horizon information technology
operations that help
guide high quality 4.3 Adopt best-practice
business operations planning and development
while maximizing the processes
sophistication of
reporting to the
management level.
Minimize the energy 2.1 Provide responsive,
impact on the City by efficient city services
centralization, 2.3 Effectively leverage
virtualizing the maximum information technology
amount of hardware, and Within a 5-year horizon
placing smart technology
that lowers equipment 4.3 Adopt best-practice
usage during city low- planning and development
usage hours processes
2.1 Provide responsive,
efficient city services
Emphasize business
process flows through
technology that lower 2.3 Effectively leverage
the use of paper and Within a 5-year horizon information technology
increase the speed of
processes. 4.3 Adopt best-practice
planning and development
2.1 Provide responsive,
Continue to implement efficient city services
technology that allows 2.3 Effectively leverage
citizens to gain more Within a 5-year horizon information technology
readily available
information and to allow 4.3 Adopt best-practice
for citizen feedback. planning and development