Page 409 - Hurst FY20 Approved Budget
P. 409
Project Description Project Justification Status 09/30/19 Operating Impact 9/30/19
The proposed project will be determined by Hurst will receive approximately $160,000 in CDBG Project is in the planning O&M impact due to
staff and council prior to submittal to Tarrant funds and will be required to provide matching funds for phase of the project and is reduced maintenance costs
County in 2016. Instead of giving each City the project. This grant has been a steady source of scheduled to be complete with construction of new
participating in the CDBG county-wide program alternate funding for improving the City's infrastructure sometime in fiscal year street.
a small amount each year, they are offering in its older areas. 2019-2020.
twice as much but only every other year. So the
next offer to the City of Hurst will be in the 44th
year, or Fiscal Year 2019.
This project will widen Pipeline Road from This project is necessary to improve traffic flow along This project is currently in O&M impact due to
Lorean Branch Bridge to Harrison Lane. Pipeline Road and is a segment of an overall project to planning and ROW reduced maintenance costs
reconstruct and widen Pipeline Road from Billie Ruth acquisitions. with construction of new
Drive East to Brown Trail. Tarrant County has pledged street.
to participate in 50% of the construction cost.
This project consists of the reconstruction of This project is necessary to maintain a roadway system Debt will be issued in the O&M impact TBD as street
city streets to be determined by the City that meets the criteria set by the City of Hurst standards fall of 2018-2019 and then improvements determined.
Manager. and helps achieve the monetary level of commitment assigned as needed by the
recommended in the recent Pavement Management City Manager
Analysis report by Infrastructure Management Services
(IMS) dated December 2017.