Page 5 - WestworthVillageFY25ApprovedBudget
P. 5
• complete refinancing of the city’s bonded indebtedness, saving an average of $30,000 annually
• combined police dispatch services with neighboring cities, saving $150,000 annually
• increased professionalism of the police department, represented by the department earning the
prestigious “Best Practices” certification
• a leaner city operation, eliminating several positions, and outsourcing accounting, building
review and inspections, and code enforcement
• complete financial and operational turnaround at Hawks Creek Golf Club, turning a perennial
money-loser into a profitable regional favorite destination
• the city’s bond rating, set by New York credit agencies, raised to “AA” -- the same rating as Fort
Worth and Arlington
• continued strengthening of the relationship between your city government and the senior officers
at NAS JRB Fort Worth
• financially, the city has considerably less debt and greater cash reserves than five years ago
The City of Westworth Village remains very strong financially. However, in being good stewards of the
citizens’ money, it is imperative to be both cautious and realistic. The growth rates of the city’s two main
sources of revenue -- ad valorem and sales tax -- have declined, with ad valorem revenue increasing
only six percent, and sales tax only two percent, over the prior year. Recent trends indicate these
amounts may actually decline in the upcoming fiscal year.
The rapid growth of our commercial and residential tax base over the past 15 years has ended. The
Westworth Redevelopment Authority only has one small lot remaining of the property given to the city
by the federal government after the base’s contraction, leaving few opportunities for future commercial
economic development. Further, the rate of new residential construction in our village is presently one-
half what it was this time last year.
In short, the city is now financially mature. It is more important than ever to be fiscally conservative in
spending our citizens’ money. This budget reflects this new reality.
-Mayor Kelly Jones
L. Kelly Jones
Mayor - City of Westworth Village
City Hall: 817-710-2509 | Office: 817-348-0400